What will change in the form of distance learning in higher education?


What will change in the form of distance learning in higher education?
📃 In the 2021/2022 academic year, special admission parameters for bachelor's degree in part-time education will be allocated for teachers working in general education institutions who do not have higher pedagogical education.
✅ Introduce a system of training in the form of distance learning for citizens' self-government bodies in the field of undergraduate education "5520100 - Social Work" in the field of pedagogy and finance and economics.
✅ Special correspondence course is organized at the Uzbek National Institute of Musical Arts named after Yunus Rajabi.
✅ Admission to full-time and part-time bachelor's degree programs in "5321000-Food Technology" and "5410500-Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products" of the Republican University will be gradually increased.

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