About Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio


Leonardo DiCaprio

"Yes, you see Jack in the Titanic above, Leonardo DiCaprio."

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio - actor, producer and ecologist, was born on November 1974, 11 in California, USA. His current fortune is $ 260 million.

It is named after the famous artist Leonardo Da Vinci. When he first kicked in his mother's womb, his mother was looking at a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci at the Uffizi Museum.

His mother was a secretary and his father a comic writer. DiCaprio has won a total of 99 awards during his career. His roles have brought the film industry a total of $ 7.2 billion (2019).

Our hero is now 46 years old. She is not married yet. They have no children. He is in a love affair with actress Camila Morroni, who is 23 years younger than him.

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