Hand care


The hand gets dirty faster and more dirty than other parts of the body. Because every work, every action is done first of all by hand. It is therefore recommended to wash your hands in warm water with perfumed soap. This washes away the dead cells in the skin, along with dust, dirt and germs. Do not use hand soap, as the alkali in it dries the skin of the hands, leaving the skin oily and salty, peeling.
People who wash their hands frequently (employees of the food industry, medical facilities, and other similar businesses) prefer to use Iraqi soap. After washing your hands, everyone should wipe with their towel or clean paper. It is recommended to apply liquid fragrant glycerin and one of the special creams or a liquid mixed with an equal amount of glycerin, cologne, novshadil alcohol in order not to lose the softness of the skin (soften the skin) when washing hands frequently. Women who work in the field, on construction sites, and in the open in general, prefer to rub a little bit of special creams or vitamin Vaseline on their hands before going to work so that the skin of the hands is not blown away and the skin does not lose its softness. When doing work that is very dirty at home or at work, it is recommended to first apply a protective cream to the hands, and before working with acids or alkalis, apply a special cream.
After washing the hands with warm soapy water, soak the skin of the hand in a warm solution of 0,25 percent of novshadil alcohol (for this, a glass of water is filled with a teaspoon of novshadil alcohol), then wipe with a towel, vitamin creams or barium Vaseline should be absorbed.
It is very useful to soak the rough hand at night for 10 minutes in warm water before going to bed (a teaspoon of baking soda and soap powder or soapy cream in a liter of warm water, or 1,5 , 6 liters of warm water is filled with a tablespoon of glycerin and half a teaspoon of novshadil alcohol). Then wipe your hands with a towel and rub one of the special oil or vitamin creams. To enhance the effect of the creams, you can wear gloves made of cotton fabric or wrap a bandage around your hands. Some people have red or bruised hands. The hands of a person with a history of cardiovascular disease, as well as the skin of the hands may become bruised and red when exposed to cold (low temperature) for a long time or when exposed to frequent cold. This phenomenon is especially common in people who do not have good blood flow in the limbs (blood circulation is suet). In such cases, pushing the toilet vinegar formed by mixing equal amounts of camphor alcohol, cologne or XNUMX% table vinegar with cologne, then soaking in camphor oil or a special cream gives good results. Consecutive cold and hot (contrast) baths are also beneficial for such a hand.
Some people's hands sweat and feel cold. This deficiency is usually caused by a disorder of the nervous system. This can also be the result of not paying good attention to hand hygiene.
Particular attention should be paid to measures that strengthen the body, such as sports, exercise, timely work, timely rest, consumption of foods rich in vitamins, normal sleep, and so on. In addition, frequent washing of hands with soap and water in cold water and applying to the palms 1-2 percent salicylic alcohol, cologne, 40 percent solution of urotropin or a special pencil to prevent sweating gives good results. To make the hand less sweaty, you can add rubbing alcohol (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) to the water used for washing. Non-perspiration medications are usually applied to the palms of the hands with a cotton ball and dried before wiping before going to bed. After waking up in the morning, it is recommended to rinse your hands with water and wipe with toilet vinegar. It is also useful to dip your hand in a tincture of thick tea, sage leaves or oak bark (bath), and then sprinkle talcum powder on the palms. People who sweat a lot are not recommended to wear gloves made of synthetic material or thick leather gloves.
A word or two about the elbow is also worth mentioning. In some people, the skin on the elbows becomes hard and dark. Such people should wash their elbows with warm soapy water 2-3 times a week, at the same time lightly rub with pumice (foamy foam), then apply one of the special creams on clean skin and soak in lemon juice. Wash off the cream and lemon juice after 10-15 minutes and apply the cream again on wet skin. If the skin of the elbow is dark, it can be applied at night, before going to bed with whitening creams, and in the morning after washing the elbow with soap, apply various emollient creams.
National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan "Women's Encyclopedia"

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