Shortcuts in Excel


Shortcuts in Excel

( + Delete The selected text is deleted.
Ctrl + Alt + V Special additions will appear
Ctrl + symbol + Marked columns and rows will be added.
Ctrl + symbol — Deletes selected columns or rows.
Ctrl + D The bottom row is filled with data from the selected cell
Ctrl + R The range on the right is filled with the data of the selected cell.
Ctrl + H Search-Replace window will appear.
Ctrl + Z Cancels recent actions.
Ctrl + Y The last action is repeated
Ctrl + 1 The cell format editing window will open.
Ctrl + B Makes text bold
Ctrl + I Italic
Ctrl + U Underline text.
Ctrl + 5 Selected text is highlighted.
Ctrl + Enter All cells are selected.
Ctrl+; The date is displayed
Ctrl + Shift +; Time is sealed
Ctrl + Backspace The cursor returns to the previous cell.
Ctrl + Space Column stands apart
Ctrl + A Visible objects are highlighted.
Ctrl + End The cursor is placed in the last cell.
Ctrl + Shift + End The last cell is selected
Ctrl + arrows The cursor moves along the edges of the column in the direction of the arrows.
Ctrl + N A new blank workbook will appear
Ctrl + S Document saved
Ctrl + O The search window for the desired file will open.
Press Ctrl + L to start Smart Desktop mode
Ctrl + F2 Preview included
Ctrl + K Hyperlink inserted
Ctrl + F3 Launches Name Manager

KB: It's hard to remember everything, but constant use makes it much faster!

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