If a pregnant woman has a toothache…


In fairy tales, the "teeth" are brought to the little ones by a magician, and in real life this task is performed by the future mother. After all, a pregnant woman is responsible for the health of two people. From the 40th day of pregnancy, the teeth of the unborn child begin to form. Their strength and health will largely depend on the proper care of the future mother’s teeth as well as her health.

If a pregnant woman has a toothache…
If a pregnant woman has a toothache…

"Three teeth died bo'ldi"

Problems with the teeth of pregnant women have always worried doctors. The risk of caries is 18 percent in women who give birth to their first child between the ages of 20 and 3,6, and 21 percent in those who give birth between the ages of 25 and 5,4. The risk of caries is 26% in those who embraced their first child at the age of 30-2,4 years, and 31% in those who gave birth at the age of 35-2,9 years. During the second pregnancy, this risk increases by 2,3-3,5 percent, while in the third it increases by 0,4-4 percent. At first glance, these numbers aren’t that alarming, but most women have 1 percent caries on their teeth before they become pregnant. After the second pregnancy, this figure reaches 90 percent, and after the birth of the third child, the mother's teeth become 96 percent diseased. While an average of six teeth are damaged in infertile women, more than a dozen teeth in women with children must be treated.

It is not in vain that you say, "Three teeth will be sacrificed for every child." But every woman wants her pregnancy to go by without any losses. Did you know that the survival of our thirty-two duris is in our own hands? The basic rule is to go to the dentist once every 6 months. And what do we do ?! We remember having a dentist at night only after our teeth ached and our cheeks swelled.

The most dangerous phase

Problems with gums and teeth in expectant mothers are caused by decreased immunity and decreased resistance to bacteria in saliva. Using such favorable conditions, harmful bacteria begin to multiply. Food debris left between the teeth helps them even more. As a result, microbes adhere to tooth enamel, forming a layer of harmful substances. Dental problems increase the risk of caries when the body of pregnant women is so weak.

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At 6 weeks of gestation, tiny teeth begin to form, and as time goes on, they grow more actively. All this requires calcium. If the expectant mother does not have a reserve of calcium, the fetus will begin to absorb the necessary elements from her teeth. After that, they are also destroyed. To avoid such negative consequences, a pregnant woman should take 1500 mg per day. should take calcium.

Of course, the expectant mother will be ready for anything for her child, even to sacrifice her own health. But even when a mother gives her child the calcium in her bones and teeth, this substance is not present in the amount she needs. As a result, the enamel of the baby's baby teeth may be thin and prone to rickets. In addition, the mother will be waiting for caries and osteoporosis in the near future.

Tip: A woman should pay close attention to her dental health during the 6th week of pregnancy. At this time, a foundation stone is placed on the child’s bones and teeth. Also, during this period, the teeth of expectant mothers begin to bother - they become very sensitive and brittle.

Measures against gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis. Just like teeth, gums can be difficult for 9 months of pregnancy. At this time, the gums become empty, swollen and prone to disease. Sometimes it is enough to touch the toothbrush to the mucous layer of the gums to bleed. The formation of gingivitis is again caused by the same decrease in immunity and the loss of the antibacterial properties of saliva. It is also important to reduce vitamins A (retinol) and C (ascorbic acid).

Tip: to make the gums more firm, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity in baking soda or hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon of this or that substance and a glass of boiling water mixture).

Don't put lipstick on the dessert!

Avoid sweet, floury and starchy foods as much as possible. Chocolates, fried potatoes and buns cause caries and gum disease!

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Where can I find calcium?

This essential mineral is abundant in fish, hard and white cheese, canned sardines, almonds, celery, milk, parsley, leaves, yogurt, onions, sour cream, sunflower, spinach, cottage cheese, lettuce, eggs and carrots. ladi.

Also take vitamins that contain calcium and phosphorus. You can also use the shell of a boiled egg. To do this, fry it in a dry pan and grind. The prepared powder can be added to the first or second course and drunk with water. It is necessary to take 2-3 grams 0,3-0,5 times a day.

Are the gums massaged as well?

Make a habit of massaging the gums with a soft toothbrush once a day, either in the morning or at night.

To soften a normal toothbrush, rinse it in hot water at 50 degrees and soften the brush even more with your fingers.

Rinse the mouth with water. During the massage of the gums, the toothbrush should be moistened frequently with water.

Massage the outside of the gums first, then the tongue and palate. Then rub gently. Continue the massage for 2-3 minutes. It is best to do this work by listening to a song, as the duration of a song will be at least 3 minutes.

Then soak your thumb in vegetable oil and massage the gums on that finger. After this treatment, rinse the oral cavity with a warm tincture of chamomile.

Do not be indifferent to your own health, because you are responsible for two people!

Also read this article: How to lie down during pregnancy?

Expert: Shirin OBIDOVA, dentist.

Journalist: Dilnoza MIRTOLIPOVA.

Source: Sogdiyona newspaper.

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