Implantation bleeding


Implantation bleeding
Many women confuse implantation bleeding with menstruation. Instead, they interpret it as a weak menstrual cycle or the loss of old blood. However, actual implantation bleeding is almost common - 10-15% of pregnant women feel it to one degree or another during pregnancy. And after 9 months a healthy baby is born.
What is implantation bleeding?
In the first days of fertilization, the blastocyst, or a collection of cells that will soon become embryos and eventually become children, will be implanted and begin to develop. The blastocyst begins its development when it leaves the fallopian tube, and in order to settle for 9 months, it must now find a perfect place in the mother's womb.

As the uterus is filled with the blood and nutrients needed for the blastocyst, there may be some damage to the lining of the uterus, which can lead to weak bleeding. Sometimes it is visible and can be seen in underwear, or it cannot be seen. Some women find that bleeding only occurs after going to the toilet, because the blood remains only on the toilet paper.

Bleeding during implantation is mild and is described as "bloody discharge." They are mostly pink and watery, but can sometimes be bright red. After a short nap or in the morning, the blood may turn brown. This passes because she has been in the cervix or vagina for several hours.

Mild spasms may also occur during implantation bleeding. Not as menstrual, but in the uterine area you may feel a certain, weak discomfort. Rest as much as possible is recommended and beneficial. It is also important not to overdo it. It does not prevent implantation bleeding, but it does help you feel a little better in the absence of tension.

When does bleeding from an implant occur?
It usually occurs during the next menstrual period, about 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization. This is why implantation bleeding can be both confusing and frustrating. It often confuses and kills sincerity because it can be interpreted as the onset of menstruation and the absence of pregnancy. Women who want to become pregnant may be upset by any bleeding and perceive it as a negative sign.

Implantation bleeding occurs long before pregnancy is confirmed. The human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (OXG) is a hormone found in the urine of a pregnant woman. It is produced only after the embryo is implanted in the uterus and the placenta is slightly developed. This is why some of the most observant couples are so confident that they can tell that a pregnancy has occurred that the bleeding at the implant is too early.

One of the symptoms of pregnancy may be a much weaker menstrual period than usual. Bleeding from an implant can definitely be thought of as menstruation, and bleeding that a woman thinks is menstruation only after evaluating some past events.
may realize that there was in fact implantation bleeding.

What can be done to prevent implantation bleeding?
If you do not have pain, if the bleeding is not intermittent or obvious, you do not need to do anything. If the pregnancy is confirmed and more than 2 weeks have elapsed since fertilization, implantation bleeding is less likely.

Implantation bleeding does not have to be negative. It can be a sign that fertilization has taken place and that the pregnancy is going on as long as necessary. But of course, when it happens, you still don't know you're pregnant, because it's too early to tell. Some women believe that chest pain, nausea, and other early pregnancy symptoms may also occur during implantation bleeding. But this thing is unlikely. It is too early for the satellite to produce the hormones that cause these symptoms.

However, our minds work in a mysterious way, and some women realize that they are indeed pregnant and feel completely different.

What should I do if I have implant bleeding?

Stay calm and don't worry. Just monitor the amount of bleeding and see a doctor if you feel any pain or other symptoms. In most women, implantation bleeding stops after a day or two and does not return. The pad is less likely to be needed, but for convenience, most women prefer to use it for safety.

If the doctor deems it necessary, an ultrasound can be performed to determine if the amniotic sac and the fetus are developing properly. It helps to confirm that the bleeding was caused by an embryo implantation, not by a miscarriage.
The fetal heartbeat can be detected at 5 to 6 weeks of gestation, when the embryo is implanted in the uterine wall.


When to worry about implantation bleeding

If you have severe bleeding, blood clots, or a bright red color, you should get a medical checkup. Low back pain, abdominal cramps, pain, nausea, and / or any bleeding that may be accompanied by back pain also require examination. All of these symptoms may be related to pregnancy or miscarriage outside the uterus.

Implantation usually resolves within an hour or two. It is not continuous and does not require specific treatment. Bleeding dates should be determined and monitored until the first day of the last normal menstrual period.

The dates can then be linked to when the fertilization took place and when the embryo was implanted in the vascular lining of the uterus.

What else can happen?
There are a number of possible cases, but the following are the most common:
  • Menstruation that starts for a while but is normal
  • Menstruation may change and bleeding may occur
  • Due to the use of hormonal contraceptives such as "OK", it is often the first days of taking
  • An infection of the uterus or vagina that causes bleeding
  • A rough form of sex that causes the face to erode
  • Bleeding from the urethra or anus, not from the vagina
Don't forget
  • If you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor
  • Implantation bleeding occurs in about 10-15% of women, which is not uncommon.
  • Sometimes its visualization is “useful because it proves the process of implanting an embryo into the uterine lining.
  • Just let go and you will be relieved.
  • Record the dates on which the abrasions occur in the calendar. Next week you will understand their reason.
  • Occasionally, normal menstruation may occur after implantation bleeding. This means that the development of the pregnancy has stopped in the early stages, or for some reason, the implantation or development of the fertilized egg has stopped.