More about nuts


Abu Ali ibn Sina said about walnuts: “The leaves and bark are wrinkled and have anti-bleeding benefits. The son is an ointment for hand wounds, rashes and wounds around the eyes. Ongo jam is good for the stomach (and kidneys) and relieves vomiting.
The great physician instilled the juice of the walnut leaf warmly when the ear was purulent, and used a decoction of the peel to stop the bleeding from the uterus.

The essence. Oatmeal contains fat, protein, iron and cobalt, vitamins C, A, R, E. The essence of the fruit increases sexual potency in men, for which it is recommended to eat 10-12 nuts a day. It gives strength to the body, especially if you eat 3-4 tablespoons a day by crushing the core and mixing it with honey. It is also recommended to eat nuts in the prevention of inflammation of the prostate gland, adenoma, gastrointestinal, liver and kidney diseases. Walnuts are an invaluable aid for those who do not want to suffer from atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, obesity, anemia.
Phosphorus and calcium in the brain are useful in the prevention of rickets. It also contains magnesium, which dilates blood vessels and diuresis.
In gastritis with an increase in acidity, it is necessary to eat 7-10 nuts a day.
In diseases of the biliary tract, it is recommended to eat 3 grams of kernels 4-25 times a day. Muhammad Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Aqili in his Treasure of Medicines said that walnuts soften the body, absorb solids, improve stomach function, and strengthen the brain, heart, and liver.
Leaves. In folk medicine, walnut leaf juice has been used as a remedy for tetanus, eczema, various types of skin tuberculosis, infectious, purulent diseases. Leaf tincture is useful in reactions, skin diseases, rickets, diarrhea:
By squeezing a fresh leaf, the juice can be used in fungal diseases of the skin.
In intestinal dysbacteriosis, 10 grams of dried walnut leaves are soaked in 1 liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. Swim and drink 3 glasses a day. To relieve vomiting, soak 1 tablespoon of dried walnut leaves in a glass of water, after 2 hours, strain and drink 3 teaspoon 4-1 times a day.
If hands sweat frequently, walnut leaves should be washed in boiled water. Inflammation of the gums is cured by rinsing the mouth with a tincture of the leaf.
Prepared by Laylo TURAEVA

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