Murad Manzur - I cried in foreign lands mother (Mother 2)


Murad Manzur - I cried in foreign lands mother (Mother 2) 

Every time I get up, the surroundings are strange,
I don't have anyone to ask, my heart is worried.
A room with four walls, talking in my imagination,
I missed you and cried, mother.

I'm walking, wishing my dreams success,
Asking God to give me luck.
Looking after those who are returning home,
Even if they say we left, I didn't leave, mother.

Looking after those who are returning home,
Even if they say we left, I didn't leave, mother.

What can I do, I have to, I have to work
I have to bite the bread of travel.
I have to winter to get to spring,
I didn't say an ungrateful word, mother.

Let me tell you, life is not like us in this
My food is turpentine, my food is not like salt.
Kharatoni is terrible, winter is not like us,

I have never seen such a winter, mother. {x2}

There are many people who say,
Those who came from the valley, oasis.
They ate one raisin into forty,
I worked with such people, mother.

I didn't see any good, quail here.
You won't find a sedan in Bukhanka.
Sometimes I wave my hand and say: I'm here, right?
I don't know what will happen in the end, mother.

Sometimes I wave my hand and say: I'm here, right?
I don't know what will happen in the end, mother.

Sometimes I'm tired of hard work,
Traveling is hard, I felt it,
Let me tell you, I'm crushed
I won't tell you, mom, so that she doesn't get upset.

My workplace is on the side of the forest,
Different people every day, the outcome is suspect.
I can endure the work, but the longing is bad.
I missed you and cried, mother,
I cried because I missed you so much, mother.

My village is still in my eyes,
I miss the winding streets.
Give me bread, whoever comes this way,
I'm hungry, I'm not hungry, mother. {x2}

It's okay, Mom, I need to sleep.
I have to go to work again early in the morning.
I need a new day for my destiny,
I didn't say goodbye until I see you, mother.

I need a new day for my destiny,
I didn't say goodbye until I see you, mother.

Be healthy always - I asked, mother...

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