Nasal damage and recommendations for disposal


Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to share with you a little bit about nas today. When a person knows what is good or bad for him, he should be a fan of that thing or refrain from it immediately. Because this event is a quality of a smart person. Nas is a humorous tool that is often found in our Central Asia. The nose is in a small rounded and powdery state. It contains nasal tobacco, vegetable oil, lime, vegetable ash, water and others. The effects of the substances contained in it are harmful to human health. In terms of toxicity, the composition of tobacco used to make tobacco and tobacco used to make nas is close to each other. With their toxicity, they do not lag far behind each other. Now let's count the damage caused by nas.

Contents [Close]

  • Damage to the nose:
  • Besides…
  • Recommendations for nasal discharge
  • The story that happened

Damage to the nose:

  • Harmful levels are high for the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys and circulatory system.
  • Causes pain between the liver and ribs.
  • It eats teeth.
  • The most common cancers of the mouth, tongue, esophagus, and stomach are nasal cancers.
  • It slows down thinking.
  • Brings laziness and reluctance in mental labor.
  • Immune to memory. He doesn't remember many things.
  • Creates humor. When you have a sense of humor, the character of the noskas becomes more subtle.
  • Reduces sleep. Noskash’s sleep is actually less.


  • Spit nas pollutes the environment. Occasionally there is a runny nose in places such as carpets, other living quarters, or on the doorstep of businesses.
  • Nas brings a very ugly situation to the community. There are cases when the nasal passages in the mouth are slurred or unable to speak. This is an ugly situation.
  • Damage to the Nas family budget!
  • There's a bad smell coming from the nostrils!
Seeing such harm of nas, however, it makes sense for nas smokers to make the decision to quit now.

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A person who is accustomed to nas should act on the basis of a certain measure in order to throw it away. First of all, this person is required to remove the nickname "noskash". And to throw again, it is better to follow the recommendations we give.

Recommendations for nasal discharge

  • It is necessary to hold the will. To do this is to give up the airy things that the nafs desires. It’s like waiting for grapes to ripen in the summer during the winter until summer arrives. If a person tries to throw a nose, he will achieve this in 15 to 20 days. He who leaves the will empty is a slave to his own desires. It is impossible to get a reasonable result from such people. We have seen that those who have thrown and struggled to throw the nose — our loved ones — have not backed down from that decision, even when they have fallen. People with 15 years of “nasal experience” were also lucky enough to throw a nose.
  • Distraction to other things when you have a sense of humor. It can be distracting with work and you have to indulge your lust with some more bitter candies.
  • One should set a goal for oneself by saying that one should repel all of the above harms from oneself while having humor, and that one should throw them away without causing any harm.
  • When he sees the nose, he should remember that it is the most disgusting and filthy thing and turn away and be thankful for throwing it away again.
  • It is good to do sports. Sport cleanses and strengthens the mind and body and rejuvenates the lifestyle and leads to health.
  • Peace of mind must be restored. The heart must be controlled calmly. It is necessary to do good deeds and deeds that will be good and peaceful, and to have pure belief and thought.

The story that happened

At a time when nas was scarce, two young men went to the village mullah with the intention of asking for an answer. The imam was an enlightened and learned man. The boys at first believed in asking, and when the teacher insisted, they began to talk.

"I went to the bathroom." Can I have some nasal sprays?

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Then the teacher:

"Hey, was the nose open or closed?"

"It's closed," said the boys.

And the teacher:

"Well, it's closed. If it was open, it would have polluted the toilet, you know," they said.

The boys bowed their heads in embarrassment.


Dear ones, we have only given you advice and messages, and the conclusion is from you, goodbye!

© edition.

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