Restriction set by Telegram


Do you know some interesting facts about the most used telegram messenger in our country at the moment?

1. Groups - You can subscribe to 200 groups

2. Username length - from 5 to 32

3. Made of nails (Zakrepit, Pin to top) - 5 pcs

4. Super groups - 100 participants

5. Spam blocking - from 3 days - lifetime blocking

6. The length of the bot's about menu is from 0 to 120

7. Add to the group - up to 50

8. Public channel - up to 8 can be created

9. Add subscribers to the channel - up to 200

10. File upload - 1.5 GB maximum

11. Description of the channel (profile, about) - up to 255 characters

12. Bio length - 70 characters

13. The length of the message is 4096 characters

14. Description of the bot ("What can do this bot?" Menu) - up to 512

15. The number of bots created by Botfather is 20

16. Photo album - 10 pictures

17. Sticker packs - 200 pcs

18. The length of the picture post is 200 characters

19. Deactivation of an inactive account - from 1 month to 1 year. Settings in the "Confidential settings" menu

20. Editing messages - within 48 hours

21. The administrator can see only 200 people who have subscribed to his channel (the rest can be found by searching).

22. Channels with more than 1 subscribers can be deleted only by the administration

23. The length of the text written in the telegraph - 32 798 characters

24. You can subscribe to up to 500 channels

25. Video message length - 1 minute (round video)

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