Quotes from Alibaba founder Jack Ma


Quotes from Alibaba founder Jack Ma (https://telegra.ph/file/810d2dc9cd38bf9ae8422.png)🎯

1️⃣. You always have to be with the right people, not the right people.

2️⃣. Funds are always enough, there are few hopeful people who can just sacrifice themselves for their dream.

3️⃣. People need to learn from their mistakes, not from their successes and achievements.

4️⃣. There should be no surrender. It's hard today, it's harder tomorrow, but the sun will rise.

5️⃣. If you haven’t tried it yourself, how do you know there’s a chance?

6️⃣. If you don’t give up, you will have more options. Disappointment is the greatest failure.

7️⃣. Learn from your competitor, but don’t return his work, if you return - you will die.

8️⃣. Never trade with the government.

9️⃣. If your hand sees money, you start making mistakes, never try to finish a job that will be completed in 20 years in 2 years.

🔟. If you are small, trust your mind, not your strength.