Sample psychological questions for the certification process


1. What is psychological education?

The history of psychology and the use of the achievements of modern psychology

2. Give a correct psychological description of small groups?

An association united by a common goal of collaborative activity

3. Name the types of attention?

Optional, involuntary, after voluntary

4. What do you know about psychological processes?

Perception, thinking, intuition, memory, attention

5. Who is the object of psychological services in the system of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan?

Preschool children, pupils, students of special educational institutions and high schools

6. How to enroll children in secondary schools?

From 6 to 7 years on the recommendation of the medical psychological and pedagogical commission

7. What is the age of enrollment of children in the Law "On Education"?

6-7 years old

8. What is the etymological meaning of the word psychology?

The doctrine of the soul and the soul

9. Which scientific and methodological recommendations of psychologists will be the basis for the organization of psychological services in Uzbekistan?

M.Davletshin, EG`oziyev. M.Vohidov

10. In what areas of psychological services does the practicing psychologist work at school?

Psychoprophylaxis, psychological spiritual and educational work, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychological counseling

11. Give a psychological definition of ability?

Ability is a person’s ability, suitability, and ability to perform an activity successfully.

12. A science that studies the psychological characteristics of a particular nation?


13. What is psychodiagnostics?

Determining the psychological characteristics of an individual or group, the causes of their defects using special psychological methods

14. Talent is determined by which three interrelated parameters (criteria)?

Speech richness, activity, interests

15. What method is used to determine the psychological environment in small groups adapted to certain conditions?

Sociogiometric method

16. What is the name of the group in psychology, which takes rules and norms as a standard in the mind of the individual?

Reference group

17. At what age is it convenient to strengthen memory?

2-5 years old

18. What type of lecture is a lecture on a new topic?


19. What are the psychological characteristics of children at each age?

In the type of leading activity, in age sensitivity, in psychological products

20. How many different reflexes are there?

Conditional and unconditional

21. What factors play a leading role in the formation of the child's personality?

Social factors

22. What is an ability?

Individual psychological features associated with the activity

23. What is a teacher's academic ability?

Have a certain knowledge of all disciplines

24. Perceptual ability of the teacher?

To be able to perceive the state of the audience for a short time;

25. What is the gnostic ability of the teacher?

Suitability for research

26. What is an activity?

Activity to meet needs

27. One of the distinctive features of the Uzbek nation?


28. Name the operations of contemplation?

Analysis, synthesis, comparison, concretization, abstraction

29. What is the constructive ability of teachers?

Ability to plan and predict the results of educational work

30. What is the meaning of psychocorrection?


31. In what century the psychology of youth developed?

In the nineteenth century

31. Tell us about the ability of a teacher?

Organizational, didactic, academic, communicative

32. Which client is affected by the words of dynamic, quick-witted but angry?


33. What do you know about the departments of pedagogical psychology?

Educational psychology, educational psychology, teacher psychology

34. What is the lexical meaning of the word Wunderkind?

Miracle child

35. Find the line in the psychology of adolescence, which correctly shows the two types of personal development?

Social and biological development

36. What are the two different types of abilities in psychology?

Natural abilities, social abilities

37. Describe attention?

Attention is a mental state in which our mind is focused on a particular object and concentrated in it

38. Give an example of the types of activities?

Play, study, work

39. Find the line that correctly indicates the types of pedagogical abilities?

Didactic, academic, perceptual, speech, organizational, communication and communication skills

40. Which person is responsible for the proper maintenance of the book of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis?

Class teacher and school psychologist

41. At what age does a child begin to acquire the most necessary mental qualities?

From 3 months

42. Give a clear definition of the main task of pedagogical psychology?

Learns the laws of education and upbringing

43. What do you know about the branches of psychology?

General psychology, child psychology, pedagogical psychology

44. What are the three main forms of mental reflection of reality and being?

Behavior, attitude, morality

45. What activities lead a small school at a young age?


46. ​​To what person is the term introvert used?

To a person who is difficult to treat

47. Explain the psychology of education?

This is a separate branch of pedagogical psychology, which studies the inner nature of the educational process

48. What qualities can be included in the human qualities of a person?

Humility, patience, charity, generosity, justice, loyalty, humility

49. What are the sections of the psychology of adolescence?

Psychology of preschool children, psychology of children of primary school age, psychology of teenagers, psychology of teenagers

50. What is the vocabulary of a child at the age of 6 (six)?

3.000 taga

51. What do you mean by a modern lesson?

The process of developing and naturalizing students' knowledge, skills and abilities, regardless of where or how they take place

52. When did the scientific term psychology appear?

In the middle of the XIX century

53. Pedagogical psychology, which is a branch of psychology, is one of the disciplines?

Social studies

54. What type of attention is prevalent in 1st grade students?

You are welcome

55. Is psychology as a science ancient or modern?

Both ancient and modern

56. What is the time of the first attempts to know the secrets of the human soul?

By the middle of the first millennium BC

57. Since when are psychological concepts known?

The concept of psychology has been known since ancient times, and mental phenomena have been thought about for 2500-3000 years.

58. When did the term psychology appear?

In the sixteenth century

59. What is psychological education?

To increase psychological literacy among the general population

60. The etymological meaning of the term psychology?

Derived from the Greek language, it means the doctrine of the soul and the soul.

61. Which well-known scientific and methodological recommendations of psychologists are the basis for the creation of a psychological service in Uzbekistan?

M.Davletshin, EG`oziyev, M.Vohidov

62. What are the main branches of psychology related to the public education system?

Psychological service, mood, psychological characteristics

63. There are 2 types of memorization. Tell them?

Mechanical, logical

64. Recognized as a secondary group in psychology?

Residents of large cities, factory workers, the army

65. Give a psychological description of small groups?

A small group of people (2-25 people) interacting with each other

66. In psychology, how many groups are there by type and what are they called?

2 types - formal and informal

67. Give a proper psychological description of the informal group?

If there is interpersonal spiritual cooperation

68. What is the lexical meaning of the word introspection?

Latin looking inwards

69. Which scientist takes the second place in the study of psychophysiological functions of man after Galen?

Abu Ali Ibn Sina

70. What years in the history of psychology includes the Middle Ages?

From the XNUMXth century to the XNUMXth century.

71. What is the dictionary meaning of the word substance?

The primary feature of the whole being.

72. In what years is the crisis of psychology?

Between 1910 and 1930

73. What work did Weber write in 1924?

About the senses

74. What are the stages of knowledge in the teachings of Farobi?

2 ta. Emotional cognition, Mental cognition

75. Are voluntary actions as conscious actions related to the activity of the second signal system?

It depends

76. What is a qualification?

First consciously done, then automated work into action

77. What is a motive?

Motivational reason for meeting the needs

78. What is the concept of belonging to the human race?


79. Dialogue and manological speech belong to which type of speech?


80. What is an emotion?

It is said that our relationship to things and events in the external world and our inner experiences arising from this relationship are reflected in our minds.

81. What can be determined by the method of sociometry?

Choice of group members, likes or dislikes, and leader

82. What is the source of activity?


83. Competence- is it?

Ability is an anatomical and physiological feature of a person, which to some extent creates the preconditions for the growth of abilities.

84. The period of development of the human psyche?

Phylogeny and ontogeny

85. What temperament corresponds to a strong, balanced, passive, inert type of nervous system?


86. The will according to its origin -

Expression of independent inner spiritual activity

87. What temperament corresponds to the type of weak nervous system, characterized by weakness of the processes of excitation and braking?


88. Only positive willpower qualities of a person?

Purposefulness, principledness, purity, perseverance, demeanor, assertiveness, perseverance

89. What qualities of a person are reflected in the positive qualities of character?

His qualities are fully developed, he is a whole, strong, strong-willed, strong-willed

90. One of the principles of scientific psychology was the first to support the principle of determinism?


91. Who introduced the term apperception in the science of psychology?

German philosopher, psychologist Gerbard

92. What mature representatives of the English school of associative psychology of the XIX century do you know?

Thomas Brown, Jems Mill, Gerbard

93. Which answer correctly reflects the subject of modern psychology?

Psychology is the study of mental facts, their laws and mechanisms

94. Intuition belongs to which group (category) of psychological phenomena?

Mental processes

95. All psychological phenomena are divided into four groups. Find the ones that are dropped below: mental states, mental processes, mental properties

Individual-psychological features

96. Ability, to which group (category) of psychological phenomena belongs?

Mental characteristics

97. Types of observation method?


98. A method of studying the psychological characteristics of people in a standard laboratory, using various research equipment?


99. In the process of the method of psychology, the researcher has the opportunity to control the course of the experiment, to make standardized results by making changes.


100. To study the psychological characteristics of a person using questionnaires, including specially designed questions?


101. What type of questionnaires are called questionnaires with answers to the questions?

Sociological type

102. What is the method of studying the level of development of knowledge, skills, abilities, individual characteristics of a person, consisting of short-term standard (constant) tasks, the results of which are called?


103. What tests are used to study the level of mental development of a person?

Intelligence tests

104. Forms of behavior acquired during individual life…


105. The structure of the development of consciousness includes:…

Knowledge, attitude, self-awareness, purpose

106. Which answer reflects the uniqueness and irreversibility of a person, combining physiological, mental and social characteristics?


107. Mentally and physically active behaviors driven by conscious purpose are….


108. Partial automation of the implementation and management of purposeful actions is called…


109. The acquisition of a system of mental or practical actions necessary to perform a particular activity is called….


110. The main types of activity: reading, play. Specify the dropped type?


111. What is the basis of activity, the driving force?


112. Depending on the origin of the needs are divided into two types: natural, top Find the omitted?


113. According to the subject of needs are divided into the following two types: material,… Find the omitted?


114. What group is called a group formed and approved by an organization?


115. The internal structure of the group is of two types: formal and ……?


116. To remember, recall, recall actions or a system of actions?

Figurative memory

117. To generalize and mediate the connections behind the object, thing, events and their properties?


118. A logical form of thinking that reflects the connections between things and events?


119. Logical forms of thinking: judgment, understanding,…


120. Types of speech: external, internal and ..

draw conclusions

121. Orientation of mental activity to the object of importance for the person…


122. Representation of the result of the activity and its intermediate stages through images, a form of reflection unique to the person involved in the planning and management of activities


123. It is a science that studies the dynamics of a person's psychological characteristics during age change.

Psychology of youth

124. Write the age periods in sequence. A minor school age. B-kindergarten age. Adolescence. Age of puberty. D-infancy


125. There are the following three organizational methods of psychology of youth: longitudinal cutting,… complex. [The phenomenon of rapid social, psychological and physiological development of young people…


128. Pedagogical psychology is a discipline that studies the laws of psychology.

personality formation

129. Striving for independence is the main psychological feature of age.


130. A group of people (a method of studying subjects for a long time using one or more methods metod)


130. Age is assessed by the following characteristics: quality, quantity, social,… biological characteristics of age


131. A psychologist who classifies the methods of scientific research in the psychology of adolescence into four groups (organizational, empirical, methods of processing and analysis of results, ie interpretation)?

AV Petrovchskiy

132. Teaching methods are divided into the following groups: visual (reproductive), interactive, programmatic,… Find out?

Oral questioning

133. Methods of experiment, questionnaire, test, observation belong to which group of organizational methods of "Psychology of youth"?


134. The process aimed at the full development of the student's personality (spiritual, physical, aesthetic, psychological, etc.)?


135. Collaborative activity of students and teachers aimed at the development of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in students?


136. The ability of the teacher to present difficult learning materials in a light, incomprehensible, complex, simple?


137. One of the conditions for the successful implementation of a theoretical or practical work is a feature that is formed depending on a person's experience, knowledge, innate abilities?


138. What factors determine the formation of the child's personality?

Biological and social factors

139. What is the general emotional state, which is relatively weak, but usually lasts a long time, and is reflected in the mental processes of a person and in his whole behavior?

140. What willpower is a person's ability to overcome fear and confusion?


141. What is an association?

Establishing a connection between things and events

142. Despair is a feature of which mental process?


143. What research methods are used in psychology?

From observation, experiment, interview, questionnaire, sociometry and test methods

144. What do you mean by a group?

Human commonality, united according to a particular character, purpose, characteristic of formation

145. Which answer correctly states the principles of modern scientific psychology?

Unity of mind and activity, determinism, the development of the psyche and the activity of the mind

146. What is the source of a person's activity?

Individual needs

147. Describe the concept of thinking?

Thinking is a generalized reflection in our minds of important connections and relationships between things and events.

148. Describe the concept of imagination?

Imagination is the creation of images of new things and events in the human mind by re-establishing previously perceived objects and connections and reuniting them with each other.

149. Define the concept of will?

Willpower is the ability to consciously organize and self-manage one's actions and behavior in order to overcome difficulties in achieving one's goals.

150. What are the main activities in the formation and development of a person?

Play, study, work

151. How is a person's worldview formed?

To be able to perceive, differentiate, compare and interpret the environment as a whole

152. What areas of psychology of vocational education are studied?

Acquisition of moral and ethical qualities in choosing a profession

153. What does engineering psychology study?

Human mental capabilities in the "team-man-machine" system

154. Who is the founder of the current of dualism in psychology?


155. Who expressed the idea that "soul and body are indivisible"?


155. What is the essence of the principle of determinism?

The reason is connection

156. Who thinks that the subject of psychology should be behavior?


157. What period includes the evolutionary development of psychology?

The period of emergence of living organisms

158. Who introduced the method of natural experiment to science?

AF Lozurskiy

159. What is the role of motive in activity?


160. What do you mean by stersterization?

Transition from internal ideal work to external real work

161. What is a reflex?

The body's response to an external environment through the nervous system

162. According to Freudian theory, what is the source of personal activity?


163. What do you know about the principles of modern scientific psychology?

Unity of mind and activity, determinism, the development of the psyche and the activity of the mind

164. Method of laboratory experiment

The research is conducted under normal conditions

165. Personality depends on what factors?

To understand the needs, education and identity of the person

166. What are the characteristics of the student's attention, who simultaneously listens to the teacher, writes, and fulfills the request of his friend?

Distribution of attention

167. If a person blushes or blushes when he remembers an event, which type of memory prevails in that person?

Emotional memory

168. Whose memory is strong if he…

He remembers quickly, forgets slowly

163. Is there a difference between skills and abilities?

Skills and qualifications complement each other

164. When did the image of "I" appear in a person?

In early childhood

165. Give an idea about the person?

a specific person entering into a relationship

166. Observation, experiment, interview, questionnaire and test methods belong to which group method of child psychology?

Empirical methods

167. In what areas of psychology the test method is widely used?

In social psychology

168. Who introduced the doctrine of two different signaling systems?


169. What do you mean by activity?

Physical and mental activity managed on the basis of a perceived goal

170. Who developed the sociometric method?


171. What are the main activities in the formation and development of a person?

Play, study, work

172. What is the character of a person?

Character is the characteristics of the things around us, other people and relationships with ourselves.

173. What qualities should be taken into account in order to classify a student's temperament?

Ratio of mental properties, excitation and braking, level of activity, duration of activity

174. Personality depends on what factors?

To understand the needs, education and identity of the person

175. Who introduced the word temperament?


176. Non-verbal communication is…

Systematic expression of words

177. Give an idea about the individual?

In addition to the society inherent in the biological organism, it is a person with a social-historical character

178. What do you mean by communication?

Communication is the process by which people engage in verbal and non-verbal communication and exchange ideas

179. To which mental process does the word adaptation refer?


180. To which mental process does the word polylogue refer?


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