Interesting facts about books that you know and do not know


Interesting facts about books that you know and do not know

🟢Dunyo accounts are bought by people over 45 years old;

🟢The name of the most famous book thief in the world is Stephen Bloomberg. He stole 270 rare books from 23000 libraries. The cost of his library is more than 20 million dollars.

🟢A detective writer has not yet been found to match Agatha Christie in popularity. His works are still published in more than 50 languages. More than 2 billion copies of published books.

🟢The largest dictionary in the world is the "German Dictionary" ("Deutsches Worterbuch"), which consists of 33 volumes and 34519 pages.

The heaviest book in the world is a 1,9th century geographical atlas kept in the British Museum. He is 320 meters tall and weighs XNUMX kg.

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