Breastfeeding Baby…


🍽 Baby food after breastfeeding…

👶🏻 Usually when the baby is 6 months old, he will be given extra food. In the standard case, fruits, vegetables and cereals are often recommended as the first food. The problem is that babies are not ready to digest grain products. The child will not be able to digest cereals well until he is about 3 years old.

🔰 Rice or oatmeal given to a child under 1 year of age not only is not well digested, but also prevents good absorption of minerals in the body. This is because the child's body does not produce the enzymes needed to digest such products. Phytic acid in cereals has been shown to cause general mineral deficiency in the body.

🥗 Although fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, they do not provide enough amino acids, necessary vitamins and minerals for the baby's body. In addition, fruits and vegetables are very low in calories, and a growing child should choose high-calorie foods as a staple food. Therefore, fruits and vegetables cannot be the main and only source of nutrition for a child.

♻️ Definitely share with your loved ones.

Source © @pediatronline

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