The effect of zinc on the human body


When the human body is deficient in zinc, the senses of sight, smell, and taste are impaired. This in turn can lead to loss of appetite, indigestion, diseases such as nausea. Depressed mood, fatigue, loss of interest in life are the main symptoms of lack of spirit. Hair loss, white spots on the nails, slow healing of dermatitis and wounds, brittle bones, rheumatism and arthritis are also due to zinc deficiency.
The spirit is also important during pregnancy. Zinc deficiency can cause hydrocephalus in the fetus and infant in 13-18% of cases, palate defect, spinal curvature, hernia formation, heart defects and other changes. Also, in the absence of zinc, the formation of new cells is delayed, damaged cells are not regenerated. Aging accelerates in older people, children and adolescents do not develop well.
The state of our immunity depends on this mineral, and zinc along with vitamin C is recommended when the first signs of colds and flu appear. Doctors prescribe zinc to patients a few days before surgery and until they recover. Teenagers are advised to eat foods high in zinc. Because this micronutrient enhances the production of hormones that promote growth and weight gain. Therefore, zinc is very important during the period of rapid growth of the neck and puberty. There is another feature of zinc. It is an antioxidant that protects muscle cells from the effects of radicals caused by excessive oxygen consumption during physical exertion.
Zinc maintains a constantly acidic-alkaline environment in the blood, is responsible for tissue regeneration, regulates insulin production and muscle contraction, normalizes the activity of the prostate and reproductive organs, improves masculinity and anti-inflammatory properties of the blood. increases.
Why do some people lack spirit? It turns out that for some reason zinc is not well absorbed in the body. For example, those who hate sweets and salty things should know that such foods lead to a decrease in zinc in the body.
Excessive alcohol consumption in men and irregular use of contraceptives in women can often lead to zinc deficiency in the body. In cirrhosis of the liver, poor absorption of the zinc element, excessive excretion in the urine, or a decrease in the amount of zinc in the blood as a result of toxic effects.
To prevent the disease, it is necessary to get used to eating natural fruits and vegetables, greens, spices, legumes and national dishes made from them, which are rich in zinc. Grapes and mulberries, apricots and bitter almonds, black raisins, oats, walnuts, wholemeal bread, sumac, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, dairy and meat products, and egg yolks contain zinc. 'p.
Shayra Bekchanova,
candidate of medical sciences

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