The February Revolution of 1917 and its impact on Turkestan


The February Revolution of 1917 and its impact on Turkestan.
For nearly 130 years, our people lived under the tyranny of tsarist Russia, under the shackles of the tyranny of the Soviets. During this period, they did not forgive any hardships. Therefore, they always fought for their freedom and independence. However, these freedom struggles in our history were hidden from us before our independence. Their content, essence and importance were given a reactionary tone. It was even a part of our independent state "Turkistan Autonomy" activities were not included in literature and textbooks, and the struggle for independence "printing" was called
The October coup brought freedom and dignity to the peoples of the East, including the peoples of Central Asia, and allowed them to start the path of independent development. "great prospect" it was said. The colonizers and despots distorted our history and hid the truth from us.
However, history cannot be corrected or rewritten. It remains as it is. As our President said "Settlers and invaders will come and go, but the people will remain forever, their culture will live forever."1 Our independence made it possible to rediscover our true history, restore it and study it as it is.
However, today, in such a situation, the struggle of ideas and efforts to divert young people from their chosen paths are on the rise. The "geniuses" of certain ideas are trying to confuse people with empty words and dark promises.
In this situation, it is only an idea against an idea. The fact that ignorance can only be debated with enlightenment means that it is necessary to form the national idea and ideology of our society and deeply instill the essence of its content into the minds of our youth. This national ideology serves as a guiding force and a flag in our achievement of our noble goals.
President I. Karimov "In these days of freedom, he unwittingly strays, that is, loses his way in the daytime, playing the drums that are played in foreign lands. that our national ideology plays an important role in opening the eyes of some young people no doubt"1, they did not point out for nothing.
Our history plays an important role in the formation of our national ideology in the education of today's youth as people with high spirituality and self-awareness. Therefore, our President "We need to restore our true history, arm our people and nation with this history. It is necessary to arm with history, to arm once again",2 were specially emphasized.
The topic we will discuss with you today is that our country, our people, fell under the yoke of the Soviet dictatorship, initially their "You are free now" flying to their fabrications, and then biting their brains, they realize that all their tricks are lies and dedicate themselves to the history of the period when they fought for their freedom and freedom.
In today's lecture, you have the right to know the truth of the history of this period, which was filled with fabrications and lies during the Soviet era, as it is. Because if every member of our society knows his past, it is impossible to lead such people astray and be influenced by different beliefs. The lessons of history teach people to be alert and strengthen their will.
On February 1917, 27, due to the victory of the February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown, the Russian bourgeoisie came to power and they established a temporary government.
Under the influence of the events that took place in Petrograd, a strong process of establishing new power structures began in Turkestan. Under the influence of the Bolsheviks, Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies began to be formed in all cities and workers' districts. They were organized as armed people's bodies charged with realizing the dream of revolutionary democracy and claiming the right to control the actions of the local institutions of the Provisional Government. The members of the Soviet Union included mostly representatives of the European population.
The Muslim population of the country was also involved in active political struggle. March-April 1917 was a turning point in the country's political awakening. The leaders of the emerging national democratic forces were the Jadids, who were prepared for this task by all their previous activities. They put great hope in the democratic revolution and the principles it announced, and actively began to implement its ideas and slogans. During these months, they managed to take important steps in the matter of consolidating the consciousness of the people, awakening the desire to strengthen the national unity.
After the events of February, changes began to occur in the activities of political organizations. "Sho'rai Islamiya""Ulamo" va "Alash Orda" New sects like
The people began to create various organizations under the banner of struggle for their happiness. In Samarkand "Muslim Club""Mirvajul-Islam", in Kok "Union of Muslim Workers", in Kattakurgan "Ravnaq-ul-Islam", in Khojand "Muayin al-Talibin" organizations like
Organized by progressive intellectuals "Turon" one of the large national organizations that was created in March 1917 on the initiative of the"Sho'rai Islamiya" was Why did the country get such a name? In 1917, the idea of ​​organizing Soviets (shuras) was widespread. In places "All power to the Soviets" Demonstrations started under the slogan. People "Now the people can decide their fate and future through the Soviets", he began to cry. At the meeting of the Foreign Office on March 1917, 14, the following proposal was made: "Why do Russian workers and soldiers have their own councils in the Soviet sense, while we Muslims do not have any councils?" In today's meeting, let's name our organization "Muslim Council" or, to put it nicely, "Shurai Islamiya" let's say Thus, the local residents of the city of Tashkent got a national organization that they elected and trusted.
On March 15, the XNUMXst office meeting was held in the yard of Munavvar, where the permanent chairman, secretary, secretary, treasurer and their deputy were elected. Abulakhid Qori Abdurauf Qori's son is the chairman, Munavvar Qori Abdurashidkhan's son is the deputy, Katta Khoja Bobohoja's son is the sarcot, Mullah Reza Okun Yoldosh's son is the treasurer. , the son of Abdusamin Qori Hidayotboy was elected deputy. The main goals and tasks set by the "Shurai Islamiya" organization are stated in the following clauses of the temporary law:
  1. To spread political, scientific and social reform ideas among the Muslims of Turkestan according to the times.
  2. To take measures and actions to bring all Muslims of Turkestan to one idea and one purpose.
  3. Prepare for the Constituent Assembly by gathering information about the administrative bodies of the countries.
  4. Hold rallies and deliver political, scientific and social sermons in every city, village and village of Turkestan.
  5. To show people the ways to remove the old administrators and replace them with new ones.
  6. To take action and action to end the differences and suspicions between different nationalities in Turkestan, bring them closer to each other, and unite them.
  7. Communicating with the committees of different nationalities and sects, communicating the needs of Muslims to the committees through their representatives and asking them for help when necessary.
At the beginning of April, "Shuroi Islamiya" organizations were established in other cities of the country. Their main task was to establish an autonomous (independent) republic of Turkestan in the future.
"Shurai Islamiya" organization "Salvation""Shurai Islam""Council""Freedom""Flag of El" va "Ravanqul Islam" promoted his socio-political views and decisions among the general public in publications such
This organization played a huge role in the social and political life of Turkestan. Its representatives participated in the Congress of All-Russian Muslims held in Moscow and Kazan. He became a member of the Duma of Turkestan cities, took an active part in the preparation of the draft law on the method of administration of the country for approval at the Constituent Assembly, and was active in various charitable works. He defined ways to reform schools and madrasas.
Therefore, our progressive Turkestan intellectuals of national democratic spirit who were members of "Shuroi Islamiya" fought for an independent Turkestan in the all-democratic movement that started after the February revolution of 1917 in Russia. In the press and rallies, progressive reformers spoke bitterly about the social inequality in Turkestan, the plight of the working masses, and tried to understand its social causes and roots and explain it to the people.
After the events of February, there was also a revival among the clergy in Turkestan. Relying on the idea of ​​all-Muslim unity, they joined "Shuroi Islamiya" in early April 1917 and participated in the events organized by the organization. However, in the summer of this year, the relationship between Jadids (advocates of new reforms) and Qadims (supporters of the old) became tense, as a result of which the Qadims formed the "Ulama" society and set themselves the task of restoring the feudal system in Turkestan and governing it based on Sharia.
A national party named "Alash Orda" was also created under the leadership of the son of Kazakh Bukeykhan, who turned his back on the cadetship. Seeing the growing chauvinism in the works, many of the representatives who follow the ideas of the works turn away from them and decide to form the "National Socialist Party". But the majority was coming out with the demand to unite around the national idea, not the class one. In Turkestan, the same idea is Munavvar Qori1, Avloni, Tavallo, Nizomiddin Khujayev2 etc., was expressed in the "Turon" society related to its name. However, in March-April, N. Khujayev slightly democratized it. After a while, "Turon" became "Turkish Federalist" faction and its program was announced.
On April 1917-7, 15, the 263st Turkestan State Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was held. Almost all of its 9 delegates were representatives of Europeans. During the discussion of the issue of national power, several delegates demanded to take into account the desire of Muslims to establish a unified government. The Sejd advocated the creation of a democratic republic, but did not express its opinion on such issues as granting autonomy to the people of Turkestan and ending national inequality. These issues were also discussed at the meeting of executive committees of the Turkestan region, which took place on April 16-171. 99 of its XNUMX delegates were European. Although the delegates were against a centralized republic, they believed that autonomy could only be given to culturally and politically mature nations. Some delegates believed that autonomy should be territorial rather than national. Territorial autonomy was also advocated in the Syezd resolution.
In these two parliaments, they disrespected the people of the country and expressed their lack of confidence in them.
In such a situation, on April 1917, 16, the 150st Congress of Turkestan Muslims was held in Tashkent. XNUMX delegates representing all indigenous peoples of the country attended the session. The Sejd recognized the Provisional Government and its program and unanimously supported the idea of ​​establishing a Federal Democratic Republic in Russia and granting national autonomy to all peoples, including the peoples of Turkestan. Syezd created the central governing body - Council of Muslims of Turkestan region: at its first meeting, the chairman, members of the board M. Chukayev (chairman), Ahmad Zaki Walidiy, Munavvar Qori, Mahmudhoja Bekhbudiy, Ubaidulla Khojayev and others were elected. In this way, another important step was taken in the process of uniting the peoples of Turkestan.
Councils of Muslim workers began to be established in the country. On May 1917, 14, the draft charter of the Soviet of Muslim Workers' Deputies was approved at a meeting of local workers in Tashkent. At the meeting on July 15, 32 members of the Tashkent City Council of Muslim Workers' Representatives were elected.
Such councils were formed in Andijan, Kokan, and Samarkand, and representatives of local peoples were elected based on their opinion.
In the summer of 1917, 12 trade councils were formed in the old city of Tashkent. It was chaired by Sultan Khoja Kasimkhojayev. At the beginning of August 1917, "Sanoi ul-Islam" Shura of Muslim craftsmen was established in Andijan city. 1500 people joined it. ("Hurriyat", 1917, No. 28, August 7).
In Tashkent "Khurshid""Sadoyi Turkestan""Turon""Turkish nation""Salvation""Council""Shurai Islam", Samarkand "mirror""Freedom", in Bukhara "Turon", "Bukhara Sharif", in Kok "Sadoy Fergana""Living Word" diaries, "Freedom" magazine, in Ferghana "Cry of Ferghana" the newspaper started to come out. They called people to be politically active.
By September, the situation in the country began to change. Raised by the Bolsheviks "All power to the Soviets" The reaction to the slogan was not the same. The authorized bodies of the country's Muslim population insisted on a strictly negative view of this slogan. The Second Congress of Muslims of the country, convened in September at the initiative of "Shurai Islam", opposed the transfer of power to the soviets of soldiers, workers and farmers. However, this decision of the Sejd did not reach anyone's ears. Under the influence of the Bolsheviks, the Soviets of the country decided to transfer all power to the Soviets.
The national movement in the country entered a new period of its development. On September 17-20, a syez of Turkestan and Kazakh Muslims was held in Tashkent on the initiative of "Shuroi Islamiya". It was decided to create a political party called "Muslim Union" common to all Turkestan and Kazakhstan by uniting "Shuroi Islam", "Turon", "Shuroi Ulamo" and others. In the case of Syezd, the issue of the future political system of Turkestan was the main issue. In the adopted decision, the idea of ​​creating a regional autonomous federation within the democratic republic of Russia was put forward. The Syed gave the name "Federal Republic of Turkistan" to the autonomy and determined the main principles and standards of the future state system to be established on the basis of 11 parliamentary republics.
The first political party of the Muslims of Turkestan, the Turkestan Federalist Party, that is, the Central Federalist Faction of the Turkic People, also defined its attitude to these political issues. In his program, the idea of ​​a democratic republic based on the principles of national-territorial autonomy in Turkestan was deeply rooted.
The events of February accelerated the activities of the current of Jadids in the country. For example, there was a sharp split between Bukhara Jadidism, the party "Young Bukharas" was formed (this movement appeared in 1908 as a movement of Bukhara Jadidism). They began to openly oppose the unlimited rule of the emir.
The provisional government established after the February Revolution pursued a two-pronged policy towards the Bukhara Emirate: on the one hand, it supported the emir, and on the other hand, it emphasized the need for reforms, to which the emir agreed. On April 1917, 7, a protocol on reforms was announced in Bukhara. In this regard, "Yosh Bukhara" organized a demonstration on April 1917, 9. They went to the emir's palace with the slogans "Long live reform", "Long live freedom, constitution, press freedom and independent school". However, the reactionary forces began to destroy the participants. As a result of the persecution, the "Young Bukharas" moved to the new Bukhara, where a split occurred in their ranks. Right and left wings appeared. The rightists, led by M. Mansurov (many of whom were representatives of merchant circles), advocated an agreement with the emir through negotiations. But after the failure, many of them left the "Yosh Bukharolik" organization.
And the leftists (Abdurauf Fitrat, Fayzulla Khojayev, Musa Saidjonov, etc.) believed that there is a possibility of preparing an armed uprising by "organizing the exit of partisans in the regions". In this, they hoped for the help of the representatives of the Provisional Government, Turkestan regional bodies and Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, with the participation of peasants. However, the agreement of the representatives of the Provisional Government, Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies with the government of the emir, and the passivity of the masses of peasants did not allow them to go into active struggle.
Despite the increasing persecution of the Amir, the young Bukharans continued their activities. They focused all their energy on solving two tasks: developing a practical program, determining methods of work among the population in order to attract as many workers, artisans, soldiers, and especially peasants to the organization as possible.
In Khorezm, the movement of "Young Khivalikers" became active (this movement was formed in 1905 as a socio-political movement on the basis of Khiva Jadidism). They turned into a political party, went on the path of open struggle against the Khan's power, and established contact with the revolutionary-minded soldiers. They held a demonstration in Khiva with the help of soldiers in April 1917. Long live freedom, justice and equality, long live heroic warriors, "Let Musatabidlik disappear" they went to the Khan's palace with their slogans.
At their request, Khan's "Declaration" was published. It announced the introduction of parliamentary governance in the country, and the formation of the parliament as the supreme state authority by popular vote. The day after the publication of the "Report". "Young Khivalars" A meeting of the central committee was held, Bobohun Salimov was elected as its chairman, and a decision was made to organize the election of deputies of the meeting. Letters to this effect were sent to distant regions, and in large cities propagandists were sent to promote revolutionary ideas among the population and hold elections. After the completion of the election campaign, a meeting was established, 30 locally elected deputies, 5 representatives of the "Yosh Khivaliklar" organization with a decisive vote, the remaining members of the party's central committee were given the right to participate in the meetings of the meeting with an advisory vote, and 7 Turkmen deputies entered
The divided right wing of "Yosh Khivalik" organized an assassination against the khan by uniting the representatives of trade industry headed by Islam Khoja, the nascent capitalists and the rich. The khan, who learned about the plot, with the active support of the representatives of the Turkestan Committee, dissolved the assembly in June 1917 and imprisoned its leaders.
In the conditions of increasing tyranny of the Khan, the "Young Khivalikar" party could not operate openly. For this reason, his leftist party (which included the leader Bobokhan Salimov, artisans, farmers, medium and small traders and representatives of other layers of the population) went to the path of secret work. They established party departments and cells in Gurlan, Mangit, Kipchak and other districts.
1 I. Karimov "There is no future without historical memory". Tashkent, 1998, p. 21.
1 I. Karimov I believe in the strong will of our wise people.
2 I. Karimov There is no future without historical memory. T. 1998 p. 25.
1 Munavvar Qori Abdurashidkhanov is the leader of Jadids in Toshket. He opened new schools and wrote textbooks for them. He is one of the organizers of the Central Asian Darulfunu. In Turkestan, he fought against Bolshevism and founded the "National Union" party, fighting for national independence. In 1926, he left his party, served the Soviet authorities, and continued his education. In 1929, he was shot at the end of the trial against the "National Union" party.
2 Nizomiddin Khojayev was born in Tashkent in 1885 in a working family. In 1914, he was fired from the printing house for his participation in the revolutionary movement. In 1918, he joined the ranks of the Communist Party. He also served as an executive committee member of the Old City Council. In September 1919, he was also appointed as the chairman of the revolutionary committee of the I-Fergana region. In 1931, he graduated from the Central Asian State University and worked as a member of the Presidium of the State Plan of Uzbekistan.

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