"Young Speakers" training course


Surname: Karimova
Name: Nargiza
Sharifi: Urishovna
Place of work: 18th general education school
Position: teacher
District: Friendship
Region: Jizzakh
Name of the club: "Young Speakers"
Grade: 9
Round lesson topic: 1. About Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa" epic.

2. I am a speaker.

Number of students: 15 people
I. Lesson topic: Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa" epic.
II. The purpose of the lesson:
educational - wider acquaintance with Navoi's epic "Khamsa";
educational - inculcating the positive ideas put forward in the epic "Khamsa" into the minds of students; instilling in students a sense of pride in the heritage of their ancestors;
developmental - to develop students' independent thinking, to form the skill of analyzing a work of art.
III. Teaching equipment: Alisher Navoi's epic "Khamsa", puzzles, booklets, artworks, incentive cards, didactic materials, slides, computer, projector
IV. Teaching method: non-traditional.
V. Lesson methods: "Working in small groups", "Brainstorming", "Critical observation", didactic game.
V. Lesson plan:
1) Organizational part. (1 minute)
2) Divide students into small groups. (1 minute)
3) Work in small groups on the basis of assignments on the topic:
a) main tasks. (30 minutes)
b) additional assignments. (8 minutes)
4) Completion of the lesson, assignment at home
VI. The progress of the lesson.
Dear readers, as we all know, February 9 is the birthday of the great thinker, poet, famous statesman Mir Alisher Navoi. A great literary heritage has been left to us from this unique figure. His works are still the favorite works of readers today. Including "Muhokamat ul-lughatayn", "Hazoyin ul-Maoni", "Majolis un-nafais", "Devony Foni", "Badoye ul-bidoya", "Navodir un-nihoya", "History of Ajam", "Holati Sayyid Hasan Ardasher", "Holati Pahlavon Muhammad", "Hamsat ul-mutahayirin" and others. Among his works, "Khamsa" written in Turkish has an incomparable place.
The goal of today's lesson is to get more information about Alisher Navoi's epic "Khamsa", to draw correct conclusions from the ideas and opinions presented in it.
Today's lesson was in an unconventional style, and all of you were assigned to prepare for this lesson as an assignment. Our lesson is called "Contemplative Reader". Students of the class are divided into 5 groups - the epics of the "Khamsa" epic:
1) "Hayrat ul-Abror", 2) "Farhad and Shirin", 3) "Layli and Majnun", 4) "Sabai Sayyor", 5) "Saddi Iskandari" are divided into groups and each group dies They will have to monitor the activities of the groups and note down their achievements and shortcomings, showing the characteristics of the saga called group z, based on the following main tasks.
Task I. "General Description".
Each group should describe their work. In this case, brainstorming can be organized for each group based on the following questions:
1. The theme of the epic?
2. What kind of people are the heroes of the epic?
3. What idea is presented in the epic?
Assignment II. "Visual Character Analysis"
According to this assignment, each group prepares a scene from their work and describes the main characters. In this case, brainstorming can be organized for each group based on the following questions:
1. What aspects of the heroes of the work have been shown in the current form?
2. What do you think the poet wants to convey through this character?
3. Which qualities of the character did you like?
Assignment III. "Summary"
Each group expresses their opinion about the impression and conclusion of the work. Brainstorming is organized for each group based on the following questions:
1. What impression did you get from the epic?
2. What educational value do you think the epic has?
3. Do you think that the ideas presented in the epic are relevant in our lives today? Why?
Task V. "Discussion"
The execution of this task is organized on the basis of the method of critical observation. In this case, each group evaluates the activities of the following group based on their observation during the lesson - achievements and shortcomings. During the course of the lesson, the following additional tasks that clarify the mind are used between the main tasks.
1. Ghazal Khan (based on poems in Aruz weight);
2. Memory exercise. Students should read the names of Navoi's works on the slide once and write them beautifully and correctly based on memory:
"Khamsa", "Tarihi anbiyo wa hukamo", "Mezon ul-Awzon", "Sab'atu abhur", "Mahbub ul-Qulub", "Muhokamat ul-lughatayn", "Hazoyin ul-Maoni", "Majalis" un-nafois", "Devony Foniy", "Badoye ul-bidoya", "Navodir un-nihoya", "Tarihi property of Ajam", "Holiati Sayyid Hasan Ardasher", "Holiati Pahlavon Muhammad", "Hamsat ul-mutahayirin"
3. Work with the dictionary. Each group determines the meaning of five words used in Navoi's works. The words whose meaning needs to be determined are shown through the slide.
To the "Hayrat ul-Abror" group:
axtar is a star
the mountain of eternity - the mountain of permanence, part
father - child
right box
To "Farhod and Shirin" group:
tavis - amulet
murur- passage, march
Ulum- sciences
sheets of paper
To the "Layli and Majnun" group:
companions - interlocutors
gulbun- flower bush
atfol- children
shugufta- opened
resh- wound, injury
To the "Sabai sayor" group:
wuquf- knowledge, awareness
dodkhoh- arz dod comer
nasak - order, discipline, rule
Darang - slowness
To the "Saddi Iskandari" group:
loss - death, death
muntaqil- passing, moving
hadith is a word
arjumand - dear, honorable - prestigious
man - nothingness
4. Solving the puzzle. Based on the following questions, based on Navoi's "Khamsa" epic:
1. Where does King Bahram hear about the Dilorom tree from a tourist?
2. According to the poet, this is what leads a person to perfection.
3….Then I handed it to the end,
I ended up crying. This stanza is the concluding part of which epic?
4. What is the largest epic of "Khamsa" in terms of volume?
5. The name of Navoi's heroic epic, a bright mirror of socio-political views?
6. Navoi's dreams about the perfect man are described in which epic?
7. Which historical figure is Alexander?
8. Which of Navoi's romantic epics is the most meaningful and painful?
Course Outline:
As we conclude our lesson dedicated to the study of the "Khamsa" epic, I have no doubt that today's lesson has awakened the best wishes and the most beautiful feelings in the hearts of all of you. Not only the "Khamsa" epic, but also all of Navoi's works lead the reader to beauty, goodness, and perfection.
Homework: Each group writes a description of the main characters of their work.
In the course of the lesson, the participation of the groups is provided with incentives and penalty cards, and based on the result, the winning group is determined.

I. Lesson topic: I am a speaker
II. The purpose of the lesson: to instill in students a love for their mother tongue, to develop the skills of wide use of the possibilities of our language, to form speaking skills
III. Lesson equipment: artistic and scientific literature, didactic materials, slides, computer and projector
IV. Teaching method: non-traditional, interactive.
V. Lesson methods: "Muzyorar", "Critical observation", "Working in small groups", "Advertising", "Cluster", didactic games
V. Lesson plan:
1. Organizational part. (2 minutes)
2. Establishing a friendly atmosphere based on the "Muzyorar" method (3 minutes)
3. Divide students into small groups (through psychological training) (3 minutes)
4. Statement of the topic (10 minutes)
5. Work on the assignment (10 minutes)
6. Strengthening (10 minutes)
7. Didactic game "Rhyme Top" (5 minutes)
8. Completion of the lesson and assignment at home (2 minutes)
VI. Course of the lesson:
Dear readers, today's lesson on the topic "I am a public speaker" will be organized based on the "Golden Rules", that is, "Mutual respect", "Sincerity", "Respect the opinion of others, do not ridicule each other", " Activity".
Let's create an atmosphere of sincere communication based on the "Muzyorar" method. (Students take turns saying their name and one quality that starts with the first letter of their name. For example, Nargiza-nazokatli...)
Now we will conduct a small psychological training. I have triangular, rectangular and circular shapes. Choose the shape you like from them. We are divided into three groups according to the selected forms.
Now let's name the groups:
People who like the shape of the triangle are very determined, single-minded, strong-willed, goal-oriented and self-confident people, so let's call this group "Confidence".
People who like the square shape are patient, broad-minded, knowledgeable and intelligent people, so let's call this group "Knowledge".
People who like the shape of a circle are sincere, compassionate, kind and warm-hearted people, so let's call this group "Sincerity".
New topic statement:
-Dear students, you will soon finish school education and continue your education in vocational colleges or academic lyceums. Naturally, you have to get used to a new environment, communicate with a new team, find your place. So, are you ready for this stage, what do you need to know to successfully pass this stage? You will find answers to these questions in today's lesson.
"Sometimes a silent speech can do what big books can't do," says the Hero of Uzbekistan, literary scholar Azod Sharafiddinov. So, the role of public speaking is very important in finding our place in society. There have been many orators in history, they are people who understood the value of words, were able to use them, and were able to attract others to their words and follow them. Examples of them are the great scholars, generals, statesmen, poets and writers of history. Amir Temur, Alisher Navoi, Babur, Nadira, Mahtumkuli, A. Oripov, E. Vahidov, etc., who left a mark in the glorious history of our country. are among them. Today, we can proudly say that our country's president IAKarimov is a skillful orator recognized all over the world.
So, to what extent are you a public speaker, what is the importance of public speaking in your life, and what should you pay attention to in order to become a good public speaker?
As you get older, you will need to become more social. No matter what profession you are in, you will interact with people. Therefore, it is necessary to form eloquence and communication culture in yourself right now. Let's connect the topic with today. How do you behave and speak when answering the questions asked by the teacher in front of the class? Most of the time, you answer standing in front of your desk. The student's desk is a familiar "bulk of protection". And facing the students in front of the blackboard is an environment to engage in communication with others. Therefore, often, you get excited in front of the board, you lose your words. On the contrary, you need to develop the skill of self-control in this situation, in order to avoid getting into an awkward situation in a foreign environment. To do this, do the following:

1. First of all, have confidence in yourself. Be friendly with everyone. Then everyone will listen to you.
2. Pay attention to your appearance. Make sure your clothes are neat and comfortable, take care of your hairstyle, that is, match the environment, and you will get rid of inner embarrassment.
3. Study the environment, that is, study the circle of people to whom you have to speak: take into account their age, interest, views in your speech.
4. Focus on sound effects. Let determination and sincerity be felt in your voice.
5. Pay attention to gestures and facial expressions, that is, the movements of the hands and feet, that is, the body and the face. Keep your body straight and relaxed, avoid excessive movements. Keep your palm open and relaxed. Do not scrunch your face, do not frown, deal with an open face.
6. Work on the text of the speech, that is, use wise words, proverbs, poems appropriately in your speech, connect your speech with today's environment.
7. Start your speech softly and lightly. Do not speak in a hurry. Speak clearly and concisely.
7. Observe the audience while you are speaking. Try to keep their attention. Don't talk to just one person. Avoid talking too much. Keep the standard.
Work on the assignment:
- Write a short text on the topic "My favorite activity". Deliver the content of the text to the audience based on the "Advertising" method. You will have to be confident in your words, arouse interest in this activity, that is, you will use your public speaking skills to promote your hobby.
1 student from each group will recite the text on "My Favorite Activity" to the audience. Other group members analyze the shortcomings of the young speaker based on the "Critical Observation" method. After the analysis, the "Best speaker" will be determined.
"Rhyme Top" didactic game:
This didactic game develops your creativity and responsiveness. For homework, I will give a word of one or two syllables, and the group members will find words that rhyme with this word. Kofiyadosh is expelled from the group house that cannot find water. For example:
Ot- bot, zot, yot, kot, sot, mot, tot...
John - khan, bread, on, son, ton, mine, grain, glory, blood.
Ay- rich, soy, clay, oil, oil, oil, tea, wow, hey, poy...

End of lesson and homework:
- This is the end of today's training. At the end of the lesson, I would like to emphasize the great role of reading literary works in becoming a skilled speaker, so I will reward the students who actively participated in the lesson with a book.
The winning group will be determined. A symbolic badge is awarded. Pupils who actively participate in the lesson will be awarded with a book. Practicing speaking while looking at the mirror is given as homework.

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