An open lesson will be held on the topic "Babur and Humayun (Pirimkul Kadirov)".


Topic: Babur and Humayun (Pirimkul Kadirov)
Course Objectives:
Educational goal: Introducing the story "Babur and Humayun", teaching to read fluently and expressively, to work on the text.
Educational purpose: To make students interested in learning, to follow the example of our great ancestors, to learn about our cultural and spiritual heritage, to teach them to appreciate, to educate them in the spirit of patriotism. To teach them to love professions.
Development objective: to develop students' creative thinking abilities, connected speech.
The style of the lesson: question-and-answer, explanation, instructiveness, creation of problematic situations.
The storeroom of the lesson: textbook, exhibition, handouts, scene, tests, puzzles, pictures. slides.
The progress of the lesson.
Stage of the lesson
Organizational part.
2 minutes
Strengthening the previous topic.
14 minutes
Description of the new topic
18 minutes
Consolidation of a new topic.
8 minutes
End of lesson
3 minutes
        Organization period:
Organizational part. Greetings.  Wish the students a good mood and mention the "Golden rules" of the lesson.
  1. Discipline. 2. Harmony. 3. Mutual respect.
  2. Activity. 5. Clarity. 6. "Right hand" rule.
        A moment of spirituality.
  1. Children, what kind of country do we live in?
In independent Uzbekistan.
  1. Who is the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan?
Sh. M. Mirziyoyev.
  1. When did Uzbekistan become independent?
It was declared independent on August 1991, 31.
  1. What year is this year declared?
 Year of dialogue with the people and human interests
  1. What is the homeland?
Homeland is the place where we were born and raised.
  1. Where is your Homeland?
        Our children's lesson is reading.
        Our motto: Excellent education is our duty.
        Is it the purpose?z: To be a child worthy of the country.
    -Teacher: Dear children, we have been getting acquainted with IAKarimov's work "High enthusiasm - invincible power". We usually talk a lot about spirituality, its meaning, place and importance in our lives. But for some reason, in most cases, many people find it difficult to give a clear and concise answer to the question "What is Maniaviyat?".
The word "spirituality" is derived from the Arabic verb "mana" and means "meaning" and "meaning". Spirituality is a force that calls a person to spiritual purification, spiritual growth, a person's inner world, strong will, and whole faith.
Together with you now  « Mysterious numbers game"  let's play For this, I will divide you into 3 groups and call you by the names of spring flowers, "Boychechak", "Purple", "Lolaqizgaldoq". I tell numbers to each group. You tell us what historical significance these numbers have for us.
Duty information:
  1. Asking about the topic
  2. It is asked through the use of a collaborative storytelling exercise.
For this, the students read the story expressively up to the specified part and give an oral presentation.
  1. A quick ball game will be held (Questions will be hung on the "Wisdom" tree based on the discussed topic.
1. In which work is written about respecting parents? (in the nightmare)
  1. Who is the author of "Nightmare"? (Kaikovus)
  2. In what century was "Kabusnoma" written? (in the 11th century)
4. A person asked Rasulullah - To whom can I do my good deeds? How did Rasulullah answer when they asked for the 4th time? (They answered to your father and other close relatives.)
5. Continue the proverb. Heavenly Mothers... (is under her feet.)
6. Who is Tomaris? (Queen of Massagets and King of Persia.)
  1. Bringing up a child under the care of another parent (Asrandi)
  2. What law specifies the duties of a child towards his parents (Oz. Res.cons. Article 64)
  3. Boychechak group tells wise words and proverbs about parents.
Continuation of the ball game     Handouts are distributed to the purple group.
  1. Your parents...(your country)
  2. Father and son are one... (garden)
 One is ... (flower), one is Gardener
3. The boy is dear, his manners are better than ... (dear)
  1. The word of the fathers, the mind... (eye.)
  2. Father is pleased, God is pleased.
  3. Like the sun in the sky...
Networking technology  will be handed over to the Lolakzgaldok group.
1. Teacher: - What do you see on the screen?
Pupils: - Map of Uzbekistan.
  1. Teacher: This is a beautiful, heavenly country, Uzbekistan.
If heaven is in the sky, Uzbekistan is under it.
If heaven is on earth, Uzbekistan is above it.
 - Who are we? Pupils: - Children of our great country.
 - Where is the greatness of our country seen? Student: - It is seen in our great generations born in this country. (Pictures are displayed on the screen )
Teacher: Who do you know from our generations? - Musa al Khorazmi, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Amir Temur, Mirza Ulugbek, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.
 - The person who brought our conversation to this end, the owner of pen and sword, who went down in history in Europe under the name "Babur", actually "Babur", i.e. ("Tiger"), the fourth generation of Amir Temur's family, more precisely, our grandfather Amir Temur We are thinking about Shah Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, the son of the ruler of Andijan, Umar Sheikh, who is the grandson of Mironshah.
Babur built a great empire like his grandfather Amir Temur. Thanks to Babur, the blood of a great emir was bubbling in the veins of the dynasty that ruled India for 300 years. Babur's great-grandson, Shah Jahan, gifted the people of all countries and eras with a gift - Taj Mahal, a luxurious mausoleum made of white marble in memory of his beloved wife. (Seven wonders of the world will be shown on the screen.) The great Baburis, i.e. Timurids, loved art and literature, and they themselves created well. An example of this is Babur's immortal work "Baburnoma".. ( Displayed on the screen.) The novel "Starry Nights" written by Pirimkul Kadirov, one of the representatives of Uzbek literature, and the continuation of this novel "Avlodlar dovani" (will be displayed on the screen.)  It is about Babur and his son Humayun. An excerpt from the novel is given on pages 163-164 of the textbook
  1. Go to a new topic
Today's topic is called "Babur and Humayun". From the topic, you will learn what a beautiful human virtue Shah Babur Mirza was.
                                        Babur and Humayun
      Babur was a brave, dexterous, strong, very perceptive person. He valued Andijan, his motherland, his family, he loved his children. He was a father who was ready to give his life for his children.
       One day, Humayun fell ill and lay unconscious all night.
       The palace doctors could not find any cure for this severe pain. Humayun's mother Mohimbegim wept bitterly. Babur intervenes. People who used to get help from Babur in difficult times expect him to find some solution even now. But Babur himself was suffering from helplessness. Babur passed through the people who were looking at him with hope and came to Humayun's bed.
       - Humayun, I am heartbroken. May God take your pain away from you and give it to me... According to Gulbadanbegim, Humayun's condition began to improve that very day. And Babur lost his taste and lay down.
Vocabulary work: Humayun - Ruler - Alahlab -
                     Evara- Chevara- Betob-
  1. 1. Question-answer game.
Test questions
1. Who is the author of the story of Babur and Humayun?
  1. Habib Rahmat b) Safo Ochil d) Pirimkul Kadirov
   2. Identify Babur's homeland.
  1. a) Samarkand b) Afghanistan d) Andijan
3. Which child of Babur became ill?
  1. a) Akbar Shah b) Humayun d) Mohimbegim
4. Show the line where Babur's father is given.
  1. a) Umar Sheikh b) Mironshah d) Shahjahan
  2. Which mausoleum was built by the Baburites in India?
  3. a) Registan b) Shahi Zinda c) Taj Mahal
  4. How many years did the Baburs rule in India?
a) 500 years b) 200 years d) 300 years
         teacher -  Who are we? Students  - Children of our great country.
Where is the greatness of our country seen? - from the monuments that show the modernity of this country over centuries (Historical monuments are shown on the screen.)
A minute of rest. Quick words about work
1. I am beautiful with a tree leaf,... (with human labor)
  1. Honest work is a good habit...
  2. Spring carries the water of the river,... (Work increases the value of a person)
                                    Think and find
What season do the following rates apply to?
  1. Dov is full of trees, the leaves of the tree are golden
There is a lot of fruits that have been blown by the wind
The streets are bright. Look at the fields
The stars are shining A field of white flowers
Bathed in the morning light,
Laugh, little boy
Buried in applause.
  "Puzzle" Students will find the professions in these pictures and identify the key word in the puzzle. The word ( stage ) comes from.
The play "Young actor" is performed by students.
Teacher: Now you and I are living in the era of technological progress. We cannot imagine our progress without computers. Internet words have entered our lives. Therefore, I am in favor of using it correctly. Always obey the advice of your parents and be an example to everyone with your most beautiful qualities. Always be ready to learn and learn skills from a young age. Our wise people have such an instructive saying.
Your time is gone, your money is gone. (U. Rahmatullayev's song will be played)
   Active students are encouraged.
  1. Homework: 1. (For writing) Write sentences to the words in the dictionary
               2. Read the story and prepare to tell it orally.

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