Water is the source of life


Topic: Water is the source of life

Educational purpose of the lesson: To develop students ’oral speech, increase vocabulary richness, teach correct syllable movement.

Educational purpose of the lesson:  Teach them not to waste water.

Course type: Unconventional

Course equipment: Map of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Handouts.

Lesson plan

Course stages:

Organizational part.

Repetition on the lessons learned.

New topic: Working on the text "Water - the source of life."

Reinforcement: Exercises and assignments

Assessment of students' knowledge, homework.


The course:


  1. Organizational part. Lesson organization.
  2. Repetition on the lessons learned.
  • Introduce students to the topic of the lesson, the course, and direct their activities to complete the learning tasks.

Before starting a new topic, a question-and-answer interview will be conducted.


  1. How important is water in our lives?
  2. What are pools?
  3. What are the major rivers of Uzbekistan?
  4. What is the purpose of river water?
  5. How to use water?



  1. Learning a new topic.

New topic:

Read the text, complete the given tasks.


Water is the source of life


Water has long been a source of life due to its prevalence and great importance in human life. According to ancient world philosophers, it is one of the four elements necessary for life (fire, air, earth series).

There is no life without water. Every living thing has water. One can endure hunger longer than dehydration. Two-thirds of the human and many animal bodies are made up of water. Almost 2/3 of some plants are water.

Two-thirds of the earth's surface is water, and only one-third is land. Water is found in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes, underground and in the soil. Glaciers and icebergs also consist of water, only they are frozen water. There is also a lot of water in the atmosphere, which is in the form of clouds, fog, steam, rain and snow.

You may wonder if both hard ice and light steam like gas are water. Yes, water. It is in liquid, solid and gaseous state.

There is no pure water in nature. Pure water can only be obtained in laboratories. Such water will be tasteless. It does not contain salts necessary for living organisms. Seawater, on the other hand, contains more dissolved salts than necessary. That's why it's not worth drinking either.

The amount of clean water consumed by the world's population is declining. People are using more water for industrial needs. Water is polluted with industrial waste. Engineers are finding different ways to treat water. In our country, the discharge of industrial waste and sewage into water bodies is prohibited. Always remember: save water, don’t waste it.

The struggle for water is a struggle for life.


It is recommended to study the given text in the "Everyone teaches everyone" method. The class should be divided into small groups (maybe 12 or 16 people) to achieve quality performance of the learning tasks set by the group members independently. The class is divided into 3 groups. If there are 4 or 5 people in the groups, the text is also divided into 4 or 5 parts. Students in each group are numbered. Students number 1 in the group are divided into group I, students number 2 into group II, students number 3 into group III, students number 4 into group IV. Each group is given a task from the text. Work on the text based on the assignments given in 10 minutes. Students return to their groups in their original state and tell the rest of the group what they have done. Once they have an understanding of the text, each group is given a task.


Group 1 students recite the text in their own words.

Group 2 translates and narrates the text.

Group 3 members compose 10 sentences involving new words.


Do you know ?  A watershed is one that is formed by the natural or artificial accumulation of water in the natural or artificial lowlands or deep parts of the earth, or by the obstruction of a waterway and the construction of a dam. slow flowing or non-flowing water source. Water basins are divided into permanent or seasonal types. Permanent water bodies include oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, natural reservoirs, streams, and canals. The seasonal ones consist of artificial reservoirs, canals and pools. The Aral Sea, Amudarya, Syrdarya, Chirchik rivers in the territory of Uzbekistan are natural, the Tashkent Sea, Charvak reservoir, Andijan reservoir and others are artificial reservoirs.



  1. Reinforcement on a new topic: exercises and assignments.


Exercise. Read the given sentences, copy them, put the following symbols in front of each sentence. Symbols: v - "I know", + - "I know now",? - "I do not understand"


  1. As the rivers begin in the mountains and rise to the plains, the water recedes. 2. The Amudarya and the Syrdarya flow into the Aral Sea. 3. Rivers such as Amudarya, Syrdarya, Zarafshan, Chirchik are wet because they start from the mountains. 4. It is the second largest island in the world after the Caspian Sea. 5. Charvak HPPs were built on the Chirchik River, Farhod HPPs on the Syrdarya River, and Andijan HPPs on the Karadarya River.


Assignment: The class is divided into three groups, then we assign a task to each group. (5 minutes)

  • The first group: river names;
  • The second group: the names of reservoirs;
  • The third group: write the names of GES on the flipchat, following the rules of articulation. After the task is completed, a flipchart of each group is hung on the board. The error is checked with the help of the teacher.
  1. Assessment of students' knowledge, homework.

Homework: Write a short story on the topic of "Rules of water use in the home."


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