Ways to make your home air fragrant


There is nothing worse than feeling an unpleasant odor that makes you breathe again as you enter the house. Our tips below will help fill your home with the scents of cleanliness and cleanliness.

1) Washing machine wipes

Fragrant wipes that are added to the sheets during drying can also be used elsewhere. Place one or two napkins in the storage area of ​​the sheets, in the wardrobes, and in the air vents so that a pleasant odor can be emitted.

2) Vanilla extract

If you put a drop or two of this extract on the light bulbs, a pleasant odor will be emitted when the light bulb burns. Or heat 2 teaspoons of the extract in the oven for 20 minutes so that the delicate smell of vanilla spreads throughout the house.

3) Handmade candles

Simple products added to handmade candles - oranges, lemons, coffee beans and cinnamon (cinnamon) are the most problematic areas of the house - giving a pleasant scent to the bathroom, kitchen and teen room.

4) Natural flowers

The simplest and most natural way to create a floral scent at home is to grow flowers! Lavender, bush flowers, mint, grown in pots - purifies the air of the house, along with the dedication of fragrance.

5) Essential oils

There are many ways to improve home odor using essential oils. In addition to a special diffuser, you can put a few drops of this fragrant oil on the air purifiers or mix them with water and spray them on upholstered furniture and pillows using a sprayer.


Source: zamin.uz

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