👨‍⚕WHAT CAUSES Insomnia? 📚💊
✅The causes of insomnia are very diverse, ranging from malnutrition to hormonal disorders. The most common factors that affect sleep depth and duration are:
✅Unconvenient or abnormal sleeping conditions: noisy or bright rooms, hot, cold, low oxygen content in the room, smoke mixtures, especially tobacco smoke, pungent odors, uncomfortable bedding, pillows, etc.
✅Take food, drink, or medications that stimulate nervous activity before bed or during the day (coffee, green tea, chocolate, cola, and “refreshing” drinks based on caffeine and guarana). Nicotine present in tobacco smoke has a negative effect on sleep, even in passive smoking;
✅Lifestyle changes, including short-term: travel, business trip, hospitality, work, change of residence, marital status;
✅Stress situations, especially in individuals with a rigid, strong emotional nature that does not “let go” of unpleasant events and thoughts. The problem of people suffering from chronic insomnia is singled out. Often they are frightened by the approach of night, in which they ask, "I have insomnia, how can I sleep?" a question frame is formed, which in turn calls for stress and anxiety, so that the first stages of the sleep phase do not begin;
✅Diseases, they are not only associated with insomnia as a symptom of the disease, but also pain, heartburn, convulsions, frequent urination, cough, difficulty breathing, internal and external agitation also prevents sleep due to an overreaction reaction to the shooters.
✅Physiological hormonal changes in the body can also lead to short-term insomnia. Women are often menstruating and have problems with sleep during menstruation, from which you can often hear complaints that insomnia has not gone away for 3 days. The disruption of hormonal balance due to these physiological processes lasts for about 3-4 days. He finds a solution independently without requiring treatment;
✅ Taking certain medications can affect sleep. Caffeine in citramon causes nervous system excitation. Medications containing broncholitin and pseudoephedrine used in colds can cause insomnia;
✅Circadian and circadian rhythm disturbances: switching to other time zones, alternating day and evening work shifts, active rest and entertainment in the evening, as well as the habit of long sleep on weekends;
✅Depressive states of varying severity.

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