The following can cause nausea


👨‍⚕Nausea can be caused by: 📚💊
✅Cholecystitis. The inflammatory process in the gallbladder, or the stones that form in this organ, causes nausea, which usually begins as soon as food is consumed. Enlargement of the abdomen is accompanied by a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, flatulence, pain under the right rib.
✅Take some medications. Among the side effects of many medications is nausea. These usually include iron supplements, antivirals, anthelmintics, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.
✅Poisoning. This is one of the simplest but most common reasons. One of the etiological factors of nausea is the consumption of improperly stored, expired, old products.
✅Gastritis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa causes nausea (especially observed after meals). This pain in the epigastrium is accompanied by a feeling of enlargement. To eliminate it, it is recommended to follow a proper diet and treat gastritis directly.
✅Migraine. Chronic headache may be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
✅Pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys causes nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting. Important distinguishing symptoms include back pain, pain during urination.
✅Hypertension. Constant high blood pressure is often accompanied by morning sickness, as well as dizziness, swelling in the body, redness of the face.
✅Brain injury. Concussions, brain injuries can cause nausea of ​​a neurological nature.
✅Sunshine. Staying in the sun for long periods of time, especially on hot summer days, can lead to sunstroke. In hot and humid conditions, many factors such as physical exertion, dehydration can also cause hot flashes and nausea.
✅Appendicitis. In this case, nausea leads to vomiting, abdominal pain is observed, the pain is first observed in the upper abdomen, then falls in the lower right area.
✅Heart attack, heart problems. In this case, too, the nausea goes away and does not relieve, abdominal pain, hiccups, pale skin and a feeling of suffocation are observed.
✅Meningitis. At the same time, nausea has a neurological nature, accompanied by high fever, fear of light and a feeling of pressure in the neck.
✅Parasitic invasion. Some types of worms can cause food-related or unrelated nausea.
✅Shaking in traffic. A weak vestibular apparatus can often cause nausea due to shaking while riding in a vehicle.
✅Intestinal infection. Nausea accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, weakness are noted. In such cases, treatment should be started immediately without delay, as intestinal infections usually lead to diarrhea, which in turn leads to life-threatening dehydration.
✅Hunger. Hunger can also cause nausea.
✅Sweets. Unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium can occur after consuming a piece of sweet or cake on an empty stomach.
✅Stress. Strong excitement and emotional tension often cause nausea, which is associated with an increase in adrenaline levels in the blood.
✅Pancreatitis. The pancreas is very sensitive to bad food, alcohol, fatty foods. Its inflammation is also accompanied by nausea, pain in the left side, and abdominal relaxation.
✅Hypothyroidism. Lack of thyroid hormones can lead to a slight nausea, as well as loss of appetite, dizziness.
✅Pregnancy. By the first trimester (up to 12 weeks), the main symptoms of toxicosis - nausea - appeared immediately after waking up.
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