Who is included in the family when receiving child benefits?


🟢 Who is included in the family when receiving child benefits?

Question; If I want to apply for child support in the neighborhood, my father-in-law has a pension, but he did not accept my application saying that you will not receive child support, right?

Answer; According to the statute approved by Government Resolution No. 654, a couple whose marriage has been registered with the civil registry office and the children living with them and their dependents (including children under guardianship), as well as children over 18 years of age who live with their parents and do not have their own family, single mothers (fathers).

🟢 Simply put, parents and children are included in the family at the time the income is determined. In your case, the statement made by the neighborhood official is absolutely wrong because your father-in-law’s income should not be added to your family income.

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