Headaches - causes, symptoms and complications


The pain is accompanied by dizziness and fainting

During headache, dizziness and fainting are observed due to changes in the condition of the blood vessels. One of the most common such diseases is migraine. This situation is repeated from time to time, and the situation worsens over time. The reason for this is that not enough nutrients come through the blood vessels as a result of prolonged malnutrition.

Most headaches occur when blood pressure is low or high. When a person loses consciousness, his blood pressure drops. This condition can be compared to drowsiness.

If the symptoms are in the forehead area and visual acuity is also reduced at this time, the reason is overweight. Headaches and fainting usually occur after various traumas, sometimes in brain tumors. When a person regains consciousness after losing consciousness, he also feels nausea with a headache. Additional symptoms include the appearance of spots and black spots on the eyes, freezing of the tips of the hands and feet. At the same time, a person feels as if his head is tightly wrapped around something. Simultaneous hearing loss may also be observed. If dizziness is caused by alcohol, the headache is explained by intoxication of blood cells.

Headache and nausea, squeezing pain

The strong manifestation of this condition is indicative of meningitis, damage to the spine and brain under the influence of infection. At the same time the body temperature rises and the person feels a general weakness, general tremors begin. Older people experience this symptom when the blood vessels in the brain are damaged. Often, fatigue results from trauma or as a complication. In this case, the person suffers from the following symptoms:

  • Trembling of arms and legs;
  • Their freezing;

It is also accompanied by concomitant symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, symptoms such as stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, subdural hematomas. If the cause of pain is frontitis, the pain spreads to the forehead, temples.

Headache and fever

ARVI and influenza - similar inflammatory diseases cause an increase in body temperature. Intoxication goes on in the body. If the body temperature is stable, ie not lower than 37,5 C, it indicates that some infectious process is going on in the body. In meningitis, the pain is very strong, and an increase in body temperature is also observed. In addition, the muscles of the body are contracted. If recurrence of symptoms is also present, immediate medical attention should be sought.

In influenza, headaches are milder and are observed in the following areas:

  • In the eyes;
  • Chakka - one-sided or two-sided;
  • Forehead.

Influenza is easy to diagnose, with headaches being the safest symptom. Rising body temperature leads to changes in blood composition. The body fights infections that cause pain, and this fight occurs with a rise in body temperature. If a body temperature of 38 C is observed, the use of antipyretic drugs is recommended. In this case, the headache is compressive, the movement of the neck muscles is limited. If symptoms occur during menstruation, the pain can be relieved with simple anesthetics.

Headache and vomiting

Severe headaches and vomiting may be due to meningitis. In this case, the pain is very strong and diffuse. The pain is like "bursting out of the head." This indicates an increase in the synthesis of intracerebral fluids and swelling in the brain, an increase in intracranial pressure. Pain receptors are strongly stimulated. When the intracranial pressure increases, the patient becomes strongly agitated, especially in hallucinations, the patient screams and makes various movements. The scalp is impressive, muscle contraction is increased. The headache appears from the first hours and is accompanied by vomiting.

Often pain and vomiting are also observed in various traumas, such as concussion, contusion, bruising. Brain damage can include:

  • Compression;
  • Rupture of the vascular wall;
  • Fractures of the skull, etc .;
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage is also accompanied by headache and vomiting. The consequences often end in death.

Headaches and tinnitus

The pathology known as vestibular apparatus injury is well known. This organ is very well supplied with blood. Headache in damage to the vestibular apparatus is exacerbated when moving the head and eyeballs. Along with the headache, noises are heard in the ears, the intracranial pressure increases. Nausea and vomiting occur. The symptoms lasted for 2-5 hours. This is due to the constriction of the intervertebral blood vessels. This leads to difficulty in blood flow to the brain, an increase in intracranial pressure.

Headache accompanied by neck and throat pain

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is often accompanied by "cervical migraine". It should not be confused with the usual migraine. The pain starts in the area of ​​the cervical spine and spreads to the head. Symptoms of “cervical migraine” The headache starts mostly in the neck area and spreads to the temple area, one side of the eyes. The pain comes on aggressively, and vomiting may also occur. The duration of the attack is 6-10 hours. The patient is in a position to turn his head in a non-painful direction.

In cervical osteochondrosis, there are sometimes defects in certain areas of the brain as well. More in the diencephalic or hypothalamic part. The headache is accompanied by palpitations and tremors. Sensitivity lasts 20-30 minutes.

Sore throats can have non-infectious and infectious causes. Sinusitis and sinusitis are diseases caused by purulent bacteria. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is accompanied by specific symptoms. The pain is felt on the side of the nose, under and over the eyes, and the headache is more one-sided. The pain is oppressive. Sometimes the patient may experience excruciating pain that is unbearable, and squash swelling is also observed, especially on the affected side.

Headache and migraine are observed as a result of trauma to the muscles and spine of the neck area. This is due to muscle spasm. The pain comes on suddenly. The pain usually occurs in the back of the head, sometimes in the upper part of the skull.

Pulsatile headache

Severe pulsating headaches usually result from impaired vascular blood flow. In hypotension, pulsating pain occurs due to dilation of blood vessels, which is caused by vascular vegetative dystonia. The most common, pulsating strong headache occurs in the pathological opening of arteriovenous shunts. Sometimes, under the influence of alcohol, the amount of histamine and adrenaline in the body increases, and in this case there is a pulsating (throbbing) pain in the head.

Pulsatile headaches can also occur in hypertension. Often, a cold causes an increase in blood pressure, which causes a "throbbing, internal beating" in the head. In addition, pulsating pain is also observed in cases of stress due to an increase in blood pressure.

Pressure headache

The most common of the headaches. It occurs in about 90% of the population. Occurs at any age, the most dangerous age is 25-30 years, especially in women. This is usually due to the strain on the body. For example, in psychological stress, the pressure on the painful part of the head shows signs of squeezing something, just like a “squeezing hat”. This causes pain in the temples, forehead and upper areas of the head. The pain can also spread to the neck and eye area.

A symptom similar to the above can also be observed in brain abscess. It is the damage of brain tissue under the influence of purulent bacteria. If its origin is caused by pathologies in the ears, the localization of pain will be the temporal area. The location of the abscess directly affects the symptomatology.

Pressure pain can also occur in encephalitis. The pain is constant, accompanied by vomiting.

Causes of headaches

Pain due to hypertension

Hypertensive disease is becoming more dangerous over time. One of the main symptoms of this disease is headache. In scientific studies, about 30% of people with hypertension found that they had the same disease when they went to the doctor complaining of constant headaches.

The increase in blood pressure is explained by an increase in vascular tone and excitation of nerve endings. The excited nerve endings propagate and accumulate in the brain, causing constant headaches. Increased intracranial pressure also leads to compression of the brain, causing persistent, dull headaches.

Headache due to vascular-vegetative dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia i (vegetososudistaya dystonia) is one of the diseases of the century. The reason for its frequent occurrence is related to psychosomatics. The disease occurs as a result of psychological stress. Cardiac function changes significantly, indicating the onset of hypertension or ischemic heart disease. In vegetative-vascular dystonia, patients complain of headaches, the pain occurs in different areas of the head, in different appearances. If pain occurs as a result of hypertension, it often covers the temples of the head, the forehead. Appears in any part of the day and has a blunt, similitude, elongated character. However, skin discoloration, dizziness, general weakness also occur. In hypotonic nature, the pain is pulsating.

Headache in cancer

The tumor that has crushed the brain has a peculiar character. It is a very strong manifestation and the patient wants to see a doctor immediately. Pain in brain tumors results from the suppression of brain cells and the excitation of pain receptors. Depending on the location of the tumor, the pain also occurs in different areas, especially after sleep, when bending, sneezing, and coughing.

Headache after alcohol

Alcohol has a negative effect on blood cells, blood vessels, especially the heart, regardless of the type of drink. The main cause of headaches after alcohol is lack of oxygen. Red blood cells are unable to perform their function under the influence of alcohol instead of carrying oxygen. The brain is the most sensitive organ to oxygen deficiency, and when oxygen is not available, brain cells begin to die. The brain, on the other hand, increases the internal pressure to remove dead cells, which leads to pain in the head. The pain pulsating squeeze appears to be “head cracking,” in addition to vomiting, stuttering, and stomach pain.

Headache when bending

If the headache occurs when the body is bent down, it can be caused by a number of diseases:

  • Neck area muscle tension;
  • Cervical spondylosis;
  • Arterial hypertension - less movement, more common in patients with stiff neck muscles. Long-term stress also causes hypertension;
  • Osteochondrosis of the neck (neck migraine);
  • Brain tumors;
  • Gaymoritis, sinusitis;
  • The pain is observed in the temples, neck, and forehead and is less severe.

Tension headache

Emotional, psychological, as a result of stress, there is a constant, blunt, level of pain in the head, occupying the entire part of the head. Physical exertion, fatigue, and neck muscle tension also cause headaches. This type of pain is temporary in nature and passes after the nerves have calmed down.

Headache under the influence of hot weather

It is impossible to stand in the sun for long. Many people experience headaches when exposed to hot weather, with the pain being pulsating. Under the influence of hot weather, the body becomes dehydrated, as a result of which blood circulation in the brain slows down and causes pain. Headaches occur not only in hot weather, but also in dim rooms. Headaches, lethargy, and drowsiness were observed in dim rooms due to increased carbon dioxide.

Headache during orgasm (sex)

It is a headache caused by a strong agitation when all the organs reach the climax of sexual intercourse and a lot of blood flow to the brain. Such pain is temporary.

Here are the causes of headaches:

  • Brain diseases. Acute and chronic traumas, tumors, meningitis, etc .;
  • Vascular diseases (migraine, arterial hypertension and hypotension);
  • Psychogenic - stress, insomnia;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Non-brain causes include infectious diseases, drug side effects, diseases of the skull, spine, muscles;

Complications of headache

All diseases leave complications of their own. Headache is also a complication of any disease, it can be called a symptomatic sign. Headaches should be treated against the background of a general illness.

Headaches caused by arterial hypertension occur every time blood pressure rises. Occurs in the morning, when coughing, coughing, excitement, causing discomfort to the person. Blood pressure is normal, and the feeling of heaviness in the head is an indication that atherosclerosis is going on in the blood vessels of the brain.

Sometimes headaches are observed even after reading a book. This indicates that the adaptive mechanism of the eyes is impaired. If the necessary precautions are not taken - problems with visual acuity can occur. Pain in the forehead is sometimes also a symptom of glaucoma.

So, headaches are a sign of various serious diseases, so it is necessary to determine the root cause of headaches and take timely treatment measures.

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