Symptoms of decreased immunity and the state of vitamin deficiency and ways to overcome it.


Symptoms of decreased immunity

  • People often get sick and take a long time to recover;
  • Rapid fatigue, constant weakness;
  • Long-term healing of injuries;
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, various rashes on the skin;
  • Unexplained pain;

Weakened immunity affects any organ system in the body, and in severe cases can even lead to death. Therefore, when the immunity is weakened, it is necessary to make every effort to strengthen it.

Causes of chronic immune decline include:

  • Chronic stress conditions;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies;
  • Aging;
  • Diseases that cause loss of immunity, such as AIDS.

Various serious diseases

In some cases, the body does its best to maintain its homeostasis, in which case the immune system has to work harder than usual, which is what the body requires.

People and conditions that need to strengthen the immune system

  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • People suffering from various infectious diseases;
  • Athletes;
  • Those who work in adverse conditions;

If the weakened immune system is the result of an illness, a qualified doctor's advice is needed to correct the condition. If the immune system is developed due to vitamin deficiency, it is everyone's job to eliminate it

Vitamin therapy may not always be effective in counteracting a weakened immune system, especially if the cause of the immunodeficiency is different. Vitamin deficiency in the body does not directly affect the immune system. However, vitamins play an important role in stimulating the processes and metabolism in the body, and the intake of vitamins is very beneficial for the body.

How to detect vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies?

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency include fatigue, insomnia, melancholy, and weakness. All of these symptoms gradually affect the body. In addition, vitamin deficiency can lead to mood swings, constant nervousness, inability to concentrate, and apathy.

Causes of vitamin deficiency

  • Transmitted diseases;
  • Improper and irregular eating;
  • Insufficient sunlight;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Various problems in the gastrointestinal tract, such as impaired absorption of vitamins.

It is not easy to diagnose vitamin deficiency. Various changes can occur in the body, such as changes in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, cardiovascular system, hair loss, brittle nails, and dry skin. If you associate your pathological condition with vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to determine it in consultation with your doctor. There may be a serious illness under avitaminosis.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

  • Hair loss: vitamins PP, B2, B6;
  • Extreme dryness of the skin or various rashes. In this case it is necessary to take vitamins A, P, C;
  • Gum bleeding: Vitamins P and C help;
  • In cases of vitamin deficiency, special attention should be paid to the diet.

Which products are high in vitamins?

Nutrients and, of course, vitamins that stimulate the immune system are stored primarily in food. These substances are found not only in fruits and vegetables, but also in meat, fish and dairy products. However, fruits and vegetables contain more of them. Therefore, cases of avitaminosis are more common in the autumn and winter, when fruits and vegetables are consumed less. This does not mean a transition to a vegetarian lifestyle, but a serious focus on plant foods in the diet.

When the immune system is weakened, there is no way to make up for the lack of vitamins and micronutrients in the diet. In such cases it is necessary to take vitamin supplements. To take vitamin supplements, you should first consult a doctor, who can prescribe the appropriate vitamin complexes.

Briefly about vitamins…

The following is a brief overview of vitamins, including groups that have a beneficial effect on the immune system:

Vitamin A

The second name of this vitamin is retinol. This vitamin is important for hair strength, normal skin condition, wound healing, and nail growth. Vitamin A is especially useful for eyesight and visual acuity. In addition, retinol slows down the aging process, and vitamin A plays an important role during puberty. Vitamin A is found in carrots, broccoli, garmdori, squash, melons, peaches, apricots and avocados, as well as in meat, liver, fish, vegetable oil and egg yolks. Vitamin A is soluble and absorbed by the human body under the influence of fats.

B group vitamins

B vitamins include a number of vitamin complexes. Adequate intake of B vitamins stimulates the nervous system and helps to relieve stress. B vitamins are found in potatoes, cauliflower, nuts, tomatoes, black bread, buckwheat, cottage cheese and milk. B vitamins can be taken if a person is experiencing stress, melancholy, sleep disorders, or dizziness.

Vitamin C.

The main function of vitamin C in the human body is to regulate the work of the immune system. Therefore, this vitamin is used in colds and flu. In addition, vitamin C reduces vascular permeability and is involved in appetite. Vitamin C is found in kiwi, parsley, currants and strawberries.

Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is involved in bone growth and strength. Vitamin D is found in beef liver, fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and dairy products. Vitamin D is also synthesized in human skin under the influence of sunlight. In countries with cold, long winters, it is recommended to take vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin E

Slows down aging, participates in sexual reproduction, stimulates sexual activity, especially in women.

Vitamin complexes

It is necessary to take vitamin complexes to avoid chronic vitamin deficiency. Of course, vitamin supplements are not a substitute for naturally occurring vitamins. However, in some cases the body needs extra vitamins, for example during illness. Vitamin complexes contain all vitamins in a certain dose. Such drugs are ready to be absorbed by the body during preparation. It should also be borne in mind that the accumulation of large amounts of vitamins in the body can lead to serious complications. Therefore, vitamin complexes should be taken not independently, but in a condition prescribed by a physician.

Vitamin complexes are divided into several groups, which are:

  • universal;
  • Vitamins for children;
  • Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Special vitamins for athletes;

Vitamin complexes belong to the category of biologically active compounds, so they are given in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. These vitamins differ from each other in dosage. When choosing a vitamin complex, it is important to pay attention not only to expensive, well-known companies, but also to low-cost vitamin complexes. All groups of vitamins play an important role in stimulating the immune system.

Vitamin complexes that stimulate the immune system in the human body can be:

  • Multi-tabs;
  • Immuno Plus;
  • Vitrum;

They contain vitamins A, B, C, D.

In particular, Vitrum contains more than 20 vitamins and trace elements. Sentrum - stores more than 25 vitamins and trace elements and has antioxidant effects. Revit, Complivit, Alphabet - great help for adults, especially in improving the function of the immune system. They are ready to be absorbed by the body.

It is a special vitamin complex - immune - that stimulates the immune system. It is derived from natural plants.

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