How to get rid of flatulence?


How to get rid of flatulence?

🔘 Hasan Absoatov:

✍️ Doctor Akhbor Agzamov:

♻️ Abdominal rest is caused by the following reasons:
🔹 Products containing excess starch;
🔹 Legume products, cabbage, grapes;
🔹 Gastritis and other stomach diseases;
🔹 Chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
🔹 Hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;
🔹 Lack of digestive enzymes;
🔹 Intestinal dysbacteriosis;

☑️ In the treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the main disease. The following symptomatic remedies are useful in getting rid of gas in the abdomen:
Enterosorbents (activated charcoal);
✔️Enzymes (mezim, pancreatin);
✔️ Probiotics;
✔️ Gas driving drugs (espumisan, bobotik, simethicone).

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