Is it possible to increase blood naturally?


Is it possible to increase blood naturally?

➥ Anemia is one of the most common diseases today. When the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, foods rich in iron trace elements should be included in the menu. Meat products are more recommended by doctors.

➥ Meat should not be heat treated for a long time. In addition, apples, beets, carrot juices, seafood, boiled tongue, fruits containing vitamin C: pomegranate, orange, kiwi also contain trace elements that raise hemoglobin.

➥ Failure to treat anemia for a long time causes complications of anemia. A long-term decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood causes a decrease in immunity, acceleration of heart attack and heart failure, premature birth during pregnancy, retardation of mental and physical development of the fetus and children.

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