Today, July 12, is Abdullah Avloni's birthday
Abdulla Avloni was born on July 1878, 12 in Tashkent.
As an active participant of the Jadidism movement that started in our country at the beginning of our century, Avloni selflessly worked to make the children of the nation literate, to train them into mature scientists and specialists, to see the Motherland free and prosperous. In 1907, he published a newspaper called "Fame" at his home. He opened a new school in his neighborhood. For "Usulijadid" schools, he created textbooks and reading books such as "Literature or National Poems", "First Teacher", "Second Teacher", "School Gulistan", "Turkish Gulistan or Morals", consisting of four parts. A charitable society was established to support school and educational work. He created the "Publishing" company and opened the "School Library" bookstore in Khadra.
Enlightenment writer, playwright, pedagogue, publisher and public figure Abdulla Avloni died on August 1934, 25 in Tashkent.