August 5 — O'tkir Hashimov's birthday


Today, August 5, is O'tkir Hashimov's birthday

🔹Otkir Hashimov - August 1941, 5 in Tashkent,
He was born in Dombirabad neighborhood. Studied at the Faculty of Philology of the State University. He worked in various editorial offices and publishing houses. He also served as the chairman of the Committee of Writers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
People's writer of Uzbekistan (1991).
🔹At first, the writer published a collection of essays "Steel Rider", a large prose work "Desert Air", short stories "What do people say", "Listen to your heart". The short stories "Spring does not return" and "Works of the World" brought him great fame. Novels such as "There is light, there is a shadow", "Between two doors", "Late lives in a dream" occupy an important place in Uzbek literature. The artist is the author of a number of dramas, comedies, and film scripts, such as "Hazon Bolgan Bahor", "Human Loyalty", "Happy Weddings", "Vijdon Dorisi", "Repression".
🔹He died on Friday, May 2013, 24, due to a serious illness, surrounded by his family in Tashkent.

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