Today, September 30, is Rumi's birthday.


Today, September 30, is Rumi's birthday.

Jalaluddin Rumi or Maulana Rumi (September 30, 1207, Balkh, Afghanistan - December 17, 1273, Konya, Turkey) is one of the great sages of the world, an outstanding poet and a unique thinker, a great person.

Jalaluddin Rumi was born in the city of Vakhsh in present-day Tajikistan (the country of the Khorezm Shahs), in the family of the great sheikh Muhammad Balavaddin Valad, who received the nickname sultanal-ulama. Balawaddin Walad Muhammad could not agree with Khorezmshah, he took his family and murids and left Balkh, and after the trip to Mecca, he visited the cities of Ajam, Iraq, and finally settled in the city of Konya (Konya), Turkey. Balawaddin Valad, who was received with honor by the Seljuk sultans, settled here. In the meantime, the Mongol invasion began, Movarounnahr and Khurasan were burned, and four hundred scholars of Balkh were executed.
Jalaluddin did not return to his homeland and took the nickname Rumi, considering himself to be Anatolian.

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