Problems with Internet connection in Windows 10


⭕️ Tips on Internet connection issues in Windows 10
The recommendations in all the paragraphs of this post are for users whose Internet connection has been working properly until recently and then suddenly stopped working.


✔️ If the connection is via Wi-Fi or a cable connected to the router, try restarting the router (unplug the power, wait 10 seconds, reconnect / restart, and wait a minute or two until it reconnects).
✔️ Reboot your computer or laptop (Reboot), especially if you haven't done it in a long time.
✔️ If you see "Net podklyucheniya k Internetu, zashchishcheno" and the connection is through a router, check whether there is a problem connecting to this router on other devices (if possible, of course).
✔️ If the problem occurred after Windows 10 update, system recovery, and data reinstallation, and you have an additional antivirus installed, temporarily disable it and the problem check for elimination.
👆🏻 After all these efforts, everyone should be back on track.
📝 Source: @computer_life

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