Recommendations for growing radishes


Recommended varieties for planting: Rubin, Dungan, Lola, Maysky, Ertapishar and others

Seed selection. Sown seeds should be clean, highly germinating, disease-free, whole (unbroken), weighty. The seeds are cleaned of seeds and mixtures of other plants.

Land preparation. Vegetable roots grow well in meadow soils rich in organic matter, fertilized sand, light loam gray soils.

Sowing time. Radish is a short-day shade-tolerant plant that grows well in the absence of light. It is planted in fertilized fertile lands in early spring, late February-early March, often for a period of time, or in the fall - in September. Radish is not planted in the summer because it ripens quickly in the summer and loses its flavor. Very fast-ripening varieties ripen in 25-30 days, medium-ripening varieties in 35-40 and medium-late varieties in 40-45 days after sowing. The optimum temperature for germination and growth of radish seeds is on average 15-18oS is. But radish at low temperature (8–12oC) also grows and - 3–4oC is cold tolerant. Temperature 25-30oAt C and higher, the radish hardens and loses its flavor and quality.

Care. The plant is fertilized when it produces 1-2 leaves and is weeded at once. The row spacing is 3-4 cm for small early-maturing varieties and 5-6 cm for late-maturing varieties. is left in a bush. Depending on the spring rains, radishes are watered 2–4 times, cultivated between rows, weeds are lost.

Disease and pest control. Radish is a cool-resistant plant that is more resistant to disease.

Harvesting. Radish is selected 3-4 times depending on the maturity of the roots.


R. Hakimov, B. Azimov


Website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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