Recommendations to increase efficiency at work


Recommendations to increase efficiency at work

1. Whatever the case is, start with Bismillah.
• Because our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Every work that does not begin with Bismillah is cut in half.”

2. Sleep on time and with a regimen.

3. Eat right. Malnutrition can ruin not just one day but several days.

4. Get up early because there is blessing in the morning.

5. Going to bed after the time of noon prayer allows you to spend the rest of the day "productive".

6. If you work in a "cramped" place, get up and exercise every 30 minutes.

7. Don’t “snooze” your phone too much unless you need to.

Ps People: - I liked everything, but I think the 7th one is superfluous :)

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