September 13 is the hottest day in the world in Africa


The hottest temperature in the world was + 58 C on September 1922, 13 in the Libyan desert in Africa. But 9 years before this figure was recorded, the Death Valley of North America (+56,7 degrees Celsius) was the hottest place in the world. Because on July 1913, 13, the highest air temperature in the world at that time was recorded in the Bedouter ("bad water") area of ​​the valley. Currently, the valley is not only the highest temperature in the Western Hemisphere, but also the lowest land level in North America (-85,5 meters). Death Valley is a basin between the Mojave Desert and the Great Basin in western North America, located southeast of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California. Because the temperature in the valley was so hot and dry, most of the gold seekers who came here died of heat, and the place was called the "Valley of Death." While the deepest part of the area is made up of Bedouter salt marshes, huge sand dunes can be found in other parts. In 1933, the U.S. government declared Death Valley a national monument and placed it under state protection. In 1984, the valley was transformed into a UNESCO-protected biosphere reserve, and in 1994 into a national park.

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