Karshi State University entrance points, admission quotas


Karshi State University entrance points, admission quotas

Kashkadarya region, Karshi city, Kuchabog street, 17, zip code: 180103

This branch, which began its activity on September 1945, 1 as the Karshi branch of the Bukhara United Pedagogical and Teachers' Institute, was transformed into a two-year teacher training institute on October 1949, 27, and into the Karshi State Pedagogical Institute in August 1956.

Status of Karshi State University by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 1992, 11 No 1992 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 28, 125" On the establishment of new universities " was given.

The university has 8 faculties: Social Sciences, Philology, Foreign Languages, Pedagogy, Art History, Physics and Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Physical Culture and 37 departments.

The university has 39 bachelor's degrees and 19 master's degrees.

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