Aloe against wrinkles and rashes on the face!


Aloe is a harmless herb that is said to be a symbol of beauty. Its useful properties were discovered three thousand years ago. Its leaves have long been used in medicine. Aloe vera ointment is especially useful in the treatment of eye diseases and skin wounds. Translated from the Arabic language, "aloe" means "bitter, kakra." The Arabs value this plant as a symbol of patience and contentment due to its drought tolerance.
As aloe is a non-selective plant, it is very simple and convenient to grow it at home.

Aloe juice is derived from a home-grown species of plant. Aloe juice has the ability to quickly repair the affected area and is also an antimicrobial agent. Aloe is also effective in treating conjunctivitis and other inflammations.
Aloe juice and ointment treat acute and chronic skin diseases. Eliminates wounds, bruises and burns and restores skin to its previous state.
Aloe is also an invaluable find for our ladies who want to look beautiful. If you increase your face in the morning and evening with its leaves, your face will become clearer and more open.
Aloe juice is anti-wrinkle
Are you frustrated by the increase in the number of wrinkles that cast a shadow on your face in the morning in front of the mirror? Then aloe juice will help you. To do this, take 2-3 aloe leaves, put it in a liter of boiling chilled water and boil for 5 minutes. Then pass it through a sieve, drain and cool. You can use the prepared lotion in the refrigerator.
As the weather cools, many women's lips crack. If you apply aloe juice on your lips, it will quickly return to its former soft and beautiful appearance.
Frozen aloe
Did you know that a slice of ice made from aloe juice is the best makeup tool? To do this, boil the pearl barley with 2-3 tablespoons of aloe juice. Mix it well, make it into a certain shape and put it in the fridge. Don't forget to wipe your face with this piece of ice in the morning and in the evening. This ointment will clear your face from rashes.
Special masks from aloe
Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with a tablespoon of aloe juice. Add beetroot and honey to the mixture. Apply the prepared mask on your face and after 12-15 minutes wash your face alternately in hot and cold water. This mask rejuvenates your face and smoothes wrinkles.
Mix 2 tablespoons fresh aloe juice with 1 egg white and rub on face for 15 minutes. The mask is effective in removing small rashes on the skin.
Add 2 tablespoon of chamomile tincture to 1 tablespoons of aloe juice and mix with the same amount of honey. The mask tightens the face and eliminates inflammation.
Nature's gift
Homeland aloe - South America. By the 30s of the twentieth century, aloe began to be widely used in medicine. These were mainly drugs that strengthen the immune system.
Aloe juice is an antiseptic gift of nature, containing salicylic acid, phenol, sulfur and plant balm - lupeol. These elements are an effective anti-inflammatory agent.
Dear friends, Mother Nature has created all the conditions and opportunities for us, women, to be healthy and beautiful. It is enough if we have a little perseverance and desire. Set aside at least half an hour each day for yourself and be charming.

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