Diseases that can be identified by changes in the face


Diseases that can be identified by changes in the face

Stroke, hypothyroidism, diabetes and even heart disease - all of these can be detected by looking at the face. True, sometimes you have to go through a lot of tests to make a diagnosis. Sometimes, even a closer look at the patient's face can show signs of serious illness.

Dryness and migration of the lips and skin

This is the first sign of severe dehydration, and dryness of the skin and lips indicates a malfunction of the sweat glands. It can also be the result of the development of diabetes mellitus or thyroid dysfunction. Extremely dry skin can also be a sign of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or an allergic drug reaction.

Excess hair on the face

Hair that begins to grow along the face, chin line, chin, and upper lip may be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome. As a result, the level of male hormones in the female body increases.

Small yellow spots on the pumpkin

These cholesterol foci, called xanthelasma, significantly increase the risk of heart disease. According to a 2016 study by scientists, patients with xanthelasma have higher BMI and cholesterol levels.

Swelling and bags under the eyes

Blackheads and bags under the eyes are not only a sign of fatigue, but also a sign of chronic allergies, hypothyroidism and drowsiness.

Facial asymmetry

An absolutely flat face will not be the face itself. Each person’s face is slightly different from one side to the other. But if the face suddenly changes asymmetrically than before, it could be a sign of an impending stroke. At this time it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Facial discoloration

Discoloration of the facial skin is an important reason to consult a doctor. This may be a sign of developing anemia, liver problems, and lung or heart disease.

Rash and spots

Acne, rashes and red spots on the face can be a warning sign of digestive problems. In addition, allergies or eczema are also at risk.


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