We block USB-connected flash or external storage devices


We block USB-connected flash or external storage devices

Many businesses or educational institutions block working with a USB port for a variety of reasons:
- Virus protection;
- prevention of information leakage;
- Restrict the installation of various games and applications, etc.

By blocking, the problems cannot be solved, as the above work can be done even without a USB port. Blocking with this is completely useless, I don’t mean, depending on the location.
For example, there is no benefit to blocking the USB ports of an IT department, but the goal can be achieved by blocking sections such as accounting, cash registers (by the way, this is just a simple example).

So we block the USB ports on Windows, but at the same time the USB mouse and keyboards work.

1. Win + R → gpedit.msc and Enter.
2. From the menu on the left side of the window, go to "Computer Configuration" → "Administrative Templates" → "System" → "Access to Removable Devices".
3. After that, on the right side there will be various options, from which we will double-click on "Removable disk: Prohibit reading".
4. A window will open for the selected option, from which we will activate this option via "On".
5. Click OK to exit.

After that, if a flash drive or an external device is connected via a USB port, this device will appear but cannot be inserted.

☝️Checked on Windows 10.

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