Detailed information about "Super contract".


Learn more about the Super Contract.
❓How to calculate the super-contract price?
Information on how to calculate the cost of a super contract here it is is listed on the page.
❓Is a normal contract paid in addition to the super-contract?
It is not. In the first year, only the super-contract amount is paid, and the regular (basic) contract is not paid in addition. From the second year, only the ordinary contract is paid, the super-contract is not paid.
❓ How many points do you need to get to study in a super-contract?
It doesn't matter. It is enough if he entered the test. Even if he gets 1 point, he can study in an additional contract. Only the price varies depending on the score.
❓When should those who want to study in the super-contract apply?
First of all, it should be said that applications for the super-contract are not yet accepted. You don't have to run to the ATM tomorrow. You submit the application in September, when the studies begin.
Applications are accepted until October 1. There is no rule that the first to apply is the first to be accepted. Applicants are ranked according to their score, which means those with higher scores are allowed first.
❓Do I need to go to OTM to apply?
No. Since last year, applications for super-contract have been accepted online. You submit an application online without leaving your home. For this, it is not necessary to come to the OTM, wait in line at someone's office, or make a request to someone. Further notification will be given when the application site is up and running.
❓ Can students choose a super-contract for another direction?
For example, he did not pass the first and second course, but entered the third course. Can the applicant choose to study in the first or second direction in a super-contract, not wanting to study in the third direction?
✅ This issue is still open, the schedule for this year has not been confirmed.
If the applicant was not able to enter the FIRST field of his choice last year, but enrolled in one of the 2, 3, 4 or 5 fields, then his choice is exceptionally in the FIRST field of choice. was allowed to study in the super-contract. This exception does not apply to route 2, 3 or 4. That is, if he entered the 3rd, he could not study in the super-contract in the 2nd direction, only the FIRST one was allowed. A further notification will be given when the current year's schedule is reviewed.
❓Can those who failed to study, make a super-contract in any five directions?
This issue is still unknown. Will be notified as soon as it becomes clear. Last year, applicants who were not able to study in all five courses were allowed to choose one of the five courses and study in a super-contract.

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