Products that damage the gastrointestinal tract


Products that damage the gastrointestinal tract


Gluten is abundant in products such as grains, wheat and barley. In most people, gluten is easily digested and does not cause any side effects, but some people may not be able to absorb it, and if a person is unaware that they do not bleed gluten-free products, it can lead to inflammation. Fatigue, bloating, constipation, and weight loss may also be observed. A gluten-free diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. But in addition to gluten in cereals, it is necessary to try to get this useful substance and vitamins from other products, as they contain fiber, vitamin B, iron, magnesium. Products such as buckwheat, rice, quinoa give good results in this regard.


Lactose is the “milk sugar” in animal milk. After consuming milk, the body produces lactase and enzymes that break it down before lactose is absorbed. Some people who do not absorb lactose are deficient in lactase, which is produced in the small intestine. This is accompanied by abdominal relaxation and increased sensitivity to pain. Verba Mayr experts recommend replacing ordinary dairy products with lactose-free or plant-based dairy products.


Fructose, which is a monosaccharide found in most fruits, berries and honey, helps a person to instantly be full of energy and improve mood. But over-consumption of it can lead to diarrhea, weight gain, diabetes and liver disease. Dietitians say 40 grams of fructose is the daily norm. To reduce the risk of developing diabetes, it is important to ensure that fruits and sweets that are high in fructose are normal in the diet. It helps to reduce inflammatory processes and allergies in the body.


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