Ear pain in children


Ear pain in children
The outer ear (ear supra and external auditory canal) is divided into middle (tympanic cavity and ear bones) and inner (shell - bone and membrane labyrinths). The middle ear cavity is relatively shorter and wider in children. The middle ear is connected to the nasal cavity through the Eustachian tube.
Etiology (Causes)
In the case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pain or congestion in the ear may occur, for example, when catarrhal symptoms such as colds (runny nose) are observed. Through the Eustachian tube, mucus enters the middle ear, causing discomfort. A small child may not complain of pain in the ear, so it is recommended to perform the following test with a restless movement against the background of catarrhal events: gently press the ear tragus (soft) with your finger; if the child has a response (screaming), it means the child has an earache.
Ear pain can be caused by an infectious lesion of the ear. In this case, it is possible to think about external, middle or internal otitis (inflammation of the ear).
Infectious inflammation of the outer ear is rare. This is due to water leakage into the ear during bathing, damage to the external auditory canal during the removal of sulfur (a substance produced in the outer ear), allergic diseases of the skin in the ear area.
Infectious otitis media often develops in children aged 6 months to 6 years. Pain increases during chewing, swallowing, sniffing, which is associated with an increase in pressure in the drum cavity during these movements.
Occasionally there may be pain in the ear due to foreign objects falling into the ear: cotton wool, small objects, insects, and so on. Inflammation of the mastoid (mastoid) tumor of the temporal bone (mastoiditis) can also lead to ear pain.
Due to the complication of otitis media and mastoiditis - inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis), one of the symptoms of which is pain. Viruses are also the most common cause.
 Finally, ear pain can be associated with head trauma and bleeding, rupture of the eardrum, ear injury.
Medical care
 1. If there are catarrhal symptoms and nasal congestion, it is necessary to instill vasoconstrictor drugs.
 2. In ear pain associated with otitis, you can instill a few drops of boric acid in the ear, a warm alcoholic solution of chloramphenicol, or apply a warming compress (if the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated).
 3. You can give painkillers (metamizole sodium, etc.).
 4. If an insect has entered the ear, it should be instilled with a few drops of warm oil or 70% alcohol, then do not try to remove it with a cotton swab. See a doctor as soon as possible.
 5. Treatment of otitis.
Do not try to treat the child arbitrarily. Take her to a pediatrician.
© Doctor Mukhtorov

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