Abdominal rest (flatulence)


Abdominal rest, flatulence (Greek meteōrismós - rising, resting) - is the relaxation of the abdomen and increased gas production in the intestines. In healthy people, the cause of such a disorder may be a specific diet or a tendency to constipation: food that enters the body is trapped in the intestines, leading to putrefactive processes, resulting in the formation of gas. The formation of large amounts of gas may indicate the development of the disease.

Physiological processes associated with abdominal rest
In the intestines of a healthy person, there are about 200-900 milliliters of gas produced as a result of the vital activity of the intestinal microflora. Through defecation and other processes, an average of 100-500 ml of gas is excreted from the intestine per day.

In meteorology, the volume of gas emitted can reach 3 liters or more. In healthy people, the composition of the gas mixture is as follows:
Nitrogen (N2) - 24-90%;
Carbon dioxide (CO2) - 4,3-29%;
Oxygen (O2) - 0,1-23%;
Hydrogen (H2) - 0,6-47%;
Methane (CH4) - 0-26%;
Small amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), volatile mercaptans.

Unpleasant condition in flatulence is accompanied by cramping pains, bloating, hiccups, heaviness, a feeling of heaviness, abdominal distension, which passes after the act of flatulence. Occasionally there is constipation with diarrhea.

Voluntary or involuntary excretion of gaseous products from the intestine is called actiflatus. It is often accompanied by a characteristic sharp sound ("sphincter resonance"). High flatulence is indicative of dysfunction of the digestive system.

The volume of gases and the periodicity of their excretion are individual in healthy people. The natural and normal number of flatulence is 13 to 21 times a day. This is not flatulence, but a natural physiological process.

Causes of abdominal rest
The tendency to flatulence is explained by differences in the composition of the microflora. Causes of abdominal distention may include:
Violation of eating rules;
Disorders of digestive processes, dysbacteriosis;
Predominance of gas-forming bacteria;
Disorders of motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
Mechanical disorders of intestinal separation function;
Increased pressure in the intestine as it rises;
Emotional disorder.

Foods with high gas production potential contribute to the formation of flatulence:

Dairy products (soft cheeses, ice cream)

Vegetables (onions, celery, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes)

Fruits (apples, peaches, plums, grapes, pears, apricots)

Yeast (baked goods bread and unrefined cereals, rolls, pies, pizza)

Legumes (peas, beans)

Cereals (harvested wheat, oats and oats, processed bran)

Other products (raisins, beer, mushrooms)

Eating fatty foods increases gas production. Eating large portions 1-2 times a day puts a heavy burden on the stomach and rectum, and retention of food mass leads to the formation of large amounts of gas.

Increased uterine size and bowel pressure in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy can also cause flatulence.

In disorders of digestive processes, flatulence is observed in patients with enzyme deficiency, disorders of bile acid circulation in the intestine and liver, dysbacteriosis. Aerophagia (swallowing large amounts of air with food) in impaired intestinal motor activity can also cause flatulence.

Pathologies leading to flatulence:

Intestinal dysbacteriosis;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis, liver cirrhosis);

Acute intestinal infections;

Intestinal parasites in the rectum (helminthiasis);

Gas outlet malfunctions:
intestinal obstruction
intestinal atony due to peritonitis


Other inflammatory processes in the intestine.

The clinical signs of abdominal relaxation are clear enough:
Increased gas emissions;
Enlargement of the abdomen, its swelling;
Pain in the abdominal area.

Resting the abdomen gives it a feeling of dilation from within, its volume increases, the clothes tighten, and sometimes the abdomen bulges. The patient occasionally feels transient or simmering pain in various parts of the abdomen without a clear location. In gas colic, the pain attacks are convulsive. The pain disappears after flatulence.

In addition, flatulence causes the following disorders:
Bad breath;
Diarrhea or constipation;
Decreased appetite.

Treatment of abdominal relaxation
The diversity of factors that cause abdominal rest is a major problem in the treatment of this disorder. If the main cause of flatulence is nutrition, the basis of treatment is diet. Foods that have a low gas-forming potential should be consumed, including products such as white rice, citrus fruits, hard cheeses, white meat, eggs, non-carbonated beverages, and yogurt. To determine the individual reaction of the body to certain foods, test elimination diets are carried out - "suspicious" products are gradually eliminated from the diet. The body's response to different food combinations should be carefully monitored.

If you get rid of bad habits, the treatment of abdominal relaxation in aerophagia will be successful:
Not talking while eating, not eating fast;

Avoid chewing gum, obaki dandons, not drinking drinks through straws. Eliminate carbonated beverages and beer from the diet;
Less smoking;

Sugar-containing products, fruits and their juices should be consumed 2-3 hours after a protein meal, preferably 30 minutes before meals.

If the cause of flatulence is a disease, therapy involves the treatment of the pathology or the application of complex measures that alleviate the disease, eliminating its symptoms.

Medications used to relax the abdomen:

Enterosorbents - enterosgel, diosmectite, activated charcoal, polyfepan. Drugs of this group bind toxins, which increase the production of gases, and eliminate them from the body.

Foaming agents are simethicone-based drugs. Large amounts of gas bubbles in the liquid form foam. The effect of these drugs is based on reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles.

Nopancreatic enzymes that facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates.

Non-absorbable antibiotics. The drug is excreted unchanged in the feces, its concentration in the blood does not increase.

Espumizan (simethicone) is a good remedy for abdominal relaxation. It prevents the formation of blisters, destroys them, as well as eliminates bloating and bloating. The drug can also be taken by patients with pre-diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases. Espumizan has a local effect and is completely excreted in the feces.

Getting rid of flatulence at home
The following international means of "wind driving" help to relax the abdomen at home:
Shivit, fennel fruit;

An herbal collection of equal amounts of fennel, mint leaves and valerian root, which also has a spasmolytic effect;

Shivit water - 2 tablespoons of crushed shivit and hot water are added to the thermos and the mixture is allowed to stand for 3 hours. Then drink half a glass 3–4 times a day. This is often prescribed to babies.

Cumin seeds.

Abdominal rest is common, but very little studied. The most important thing is to find an answer to the question of whether the gas is really excessive or simply the abnormal sensitivity of the intestine causes discomfort to the person.

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