Information on directions for youth union leaders


Information on directions for youth union leaders
Leader in the field of spiritual, educational and moral work - promotes the goals and objectives of the Youth Union among students, instills in them a sense of national pride, patriotism and devotion, enhances spiritual maturity, as well as full compliance with the internal regulations of secondary special, vocational education, strict (preventive control) ), identifies measures to work with low-achieving students, regularly reports on the work being done
Leader of political and legal affairs - Implements measures aimed at increasing the understanding of the civil rights and duties of students, socio-political and legal literacy, regularly reports on the work being done
She is a leader in the field of career guidance and development of youth entrepreneurship - Orients students to the profession based on the field of study, provides meaningful internships, organizes job fairs for graduates, visits to enterprises, organizations and institutions, assists youth leaders in developing entrepreneurial skills in students, regularly reports on the work done
         Leader of the social protection direction - works with children from low-income families, home-schooled students, helps them to develop as a spiritually healthy person, organizes awareness-raising activities for the elderly and retired veterans, regularly reports on the work done
         Leader in Sports, Health and Military Patriotism - Organizes mass sports events among students, conducts competitions in military sports, regularly reports on the work carried out
          She is a leader in supporting youth initiatives, creative and intellectual abilities - Organizes meaningful extracurricular leisure time for students and takes measures to develop their abilities, talents, creative activity, initiative, support their intellectual abilities, regularly reports on the work done
Press club leader - Provides information on the activities of the Youth Union, coverage of events in the posters of the educational institution, the media and organizes the activities of the radio of the educational institution, regularly reports on the work carried out
      He is the leader of spiritual-enlightenment and moral work - promotes the goals and objectives of the Youth Union among students, forming in them a sense of national pride, patriotism and self-sacrifice, raising their spiritual maturity, as well as full compliance with the internal regulations of secondary school, difficult upbringing (under preventive control), low mastery Establishes measures to work with students, maintains regular contact with the leader of the club "Leadership", regularly reports on the work carried out
Leader of political and legal literacy - Implements measures aimed at increasing the understanding of the civil rights and duties of students, socio-political and legal literacy, maintains regular contact with the legal adviser, regularly reports on the work carried out
        Leader of the talented youth direction - Organizes meaningful leisure time of students outside of school and classroom, takes measures to develop their abilities, talents, social activity, initiative, maintains regular contact with the head of the organizational department, regularly reports on the work done
        Leader of Initiatives and Projects - Accepts any appeals and initiatives of young people in general secondary schools, studies their proposals and initiatives, together with the leader to find practical solutions to problems, informs the school principal and the district (city) council of the Youth Union, regularly reports on the work
          Leader of sports and military patriotism - Organizes mass sports events among students, conducts competitions in military sports, regularly reports on the work carried out
         Head of Health and Ecology - Promotes a healthy lifestyle and environmental culture among students, monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules, organizes landscaping of schools and homes, conducts competitions "The cleanest class" with the head of the department of labor and the club "Ecosan" regularly reports on the work being done
        Head of Social Protection - Works with children from low-income families, home-schooled students, helps them to develop as a spiritually healthy person, organizes awareness-raising activities for the elderly and retired veterans, maintains regular contact with the leader of the club "Mercy", ongoing work regularly reports on
           Press club captain - Provides information on the activities of the Youth Union and children's organization "Kamalak", coverage of events in school posters, the media, organizes corners of the Youth Union in grades 8-11 and organizes the activities of school radio, maintains regular contact with the head of the press department, regularly reports on the work being done
      Lawyer - Coordinates the activities of the work plan of the Council of Leaders, organizes meetings and monitors the implementation of decisions, monitors and regulates the documents kept by members of the Council of Leaders, maintains regular contact with the leader of political and legal literacy, reports regularly
   Head of the educational department - Carries out educational raids, together with the leader of "Kamalak" creates scenarios of various holidays, competitions, quizzes, competitions and shows, organizes events together with the head of the organizational department and the direction of talented youth, monitors, monitors the diaries of schoolchildren, regularly reports on the work carried out
       Head of the Press Department - Personally responsible for the corner of the children's organization "Kamalak" and its regular enrichment, ensures regular media coverage of the work of the Council of Leaders, regularly organizes various art exhibitions and competitions for posters, organized by the organization equips the event hall for every competition, holiday and night, organizes "Rainbow" corners in grades 1-7, maintains regular contact with the head of the press club, regularly reports on the work carried out
       Head of the organizational department - Together with the leader of "Kamalak" conducts various celebrations, competitions, quizzes, competitions and shows, ensures that all events in the organization are held at a high level, maintains constant contact with the leader of talented youth regularly reports on the work carried out
      Mеhnat department chief - Carries out various activities in cooperation with the leader of the club "Ecosan", organizes hashars every Saturday, maintains regular contact with the leader of health and ecology, reports on the work done
       "Еtakchi ”club captain - Prepares students for the children's organization "Kamalak", organizes various celebrations and events in the parent classes, conducts conferences, maintains regular contact with the head of the spiritual, educational and moral work, about the work being done reports regularly
      He is the captain of the Ecosan club - Regularly conducts hashars in cooperation with the head of the department of labor, holds a competition on the theme "The best green garden", a competition of equipment, maintains regular contact with the head of health and ecology , regularly reports on the work being done
       "Mеhr-shafqat ”club captain - Makes a list of elderly people living in homes, together with the heads of the organizational department and social protection organizes various holiday parties for the elderly, organizes various events on the occasion of Remembrance and Honor Day, regularly reports on the work done

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