AIDS information


Dictation on the topic of "AIDS prevention" among senior students of secondary schools of the regional department of public education



What is AIDS?

AIDS Оrttirgan Иmm unit Тanxiety Сindromi is HIV-positive Оladies иimmunosuppression  вirusi. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection

What is HIV?

HIV-Оrttirgan Иmm unit Тanxiety  Вirusidir.

The HIV virus has damaged the human immune system.

It is not possible to tell if a person is infected with HIV by their appearance. People living with AIDS are considered to be carriers of HIV for the rest of their lives and may unknowingly pass the disease on to others.

                                   AIDS is transmitted through the following routes:

  1. Through sexual intercourse:
  2. Through parenteral (damaged mining):

- Drug users receiving intravenous drugs use a single common syringe and needle;

- In case of burning of damaged ore;

-In all procedures that lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin;

-loads through tattoos;

  1. From mother to child with HIV:                                                                                                                                -The HIV virus is transmitted from mother to mother during pregnancy, through the placenta, during childbirth, and during breastfeeding.

People living with HIV, like others, have the right to study in schools, lyceums, colleges, universities, to work in organizations and institutions.   

 The virus is not transmitted in the following cases:    

-When smiling, hugging and kissing;

-When coughing, sneezing;

-When using common dishes;

- When using a public telephone;

-As a result of insect bites;

- when using a public toilet;

-When swimming in pools and pools;

                The risk of HIV transmission can be reduced only in the following cases:                         

   —moral purity;

- Loyalty to sexual partners;

- refrain from casual sex;

-do not use someone's razor or toothbrush;

- Avoid tattoos;

-reduction of injection procedures;

Unfortunately, no vaccines or drugs have been developed to prevent HIV / AIDS;

AIDS is a dangerous infectious chronic disease!

Only you can protect yourself!

To think that HIV / AIDS belongs to someone other than me is a mistake.

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