General information about lexicology


An overview of lexicology.
Lexicology[1] It is a section of the Uzbek language course that studies vocabulary.
The collection of all words and phrases in the language is called lexicon. They make up the vocabulary of this language.
Lexicology is a dual structure of the vocabulary of the language: 1) internal and 2) external checks from the side. The field of language that studies vocabulary from the inside semasiology[2] is held as In it, the feature of words and phrases expressing meaning in speech is studied. As soon as any word appears in the language, it acquires its own form and meaning, represents an existing subject, event, sign, and action. The meaning of the word develops based on various influences and requirements. So, semasiology examines the meaning properties of words and fixed phrases.
Another branch of lexicology etymology[3] is held as It explains the historical origin of the words and phrases in the vocabulary of the language, the meaningful parts of artificial words and words from other languages. So, etymology analyzes both sides of the word, i.e. the inner side of meaning and the outer side of sound.
Lexicology looks at the current state of the vocabulary, the various changes occurring in the vocabulary of the language: the level of use of words, the obsolescence of some words (such as secretary, region). , with the continuous development of science, culture and technology, he studies the enrichment of the language due to new words, the changes that occur in the meaning of some words (the phenomenon of meaning migration).
Another branch of lexicology lexicography[4] is held as The task of lexicography is to collect the words of the language in writing. Lexicography collects words and phrases in certain fields, puts them in a certain order (puts them in alphabetical order) and publishes them in the form of dictionary books.
  Lexicology is directly related to the phonetics and grammar departments of the language. Phonetics studies speech sounds. Lexicon forms a word based on these sounds, grammar connects words based on its rules and prepares the language for expressing thoughts. So, if there is no sound, there is no word, and if there is no word, there is no grammar.
It is known that the speaker uses the vocabulary of the language according to his purpose. This means that lexicology is interrelated with methodology.
The composition of the dictionary is related to the history of the material and spiritual culture of the peoples who speak this language. Therefore, lexicology is closely related to social sciences such as history, archeology, literature, philosophy.
[1] Lexicology - Greek - lexikos (lexikos) - "relating to the dictionary (word), logos - (logos) - "teaching", "thought".
[2] Semasiology - Greek semasio - "sign", "brand" and logos - "teaching".
[3] Etymology - Greek etymon (etymon) - "truth", logos - "supply".
[4] Lexicography comes from the Greek words lexikos - "dictionary" and grapho - "to write".

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