(holiday event scenario).
The event will be held on the school stage. The area is festively decorated.
The slogan "Boy, know that the Motherland is waiting for you" was hung on the stage on January 14, the Day of Defenders of the Motherland.
The starters come out on stage.
1st starter:
- Uzbekistan says,
Yashnar garden gardens,
"White gold" is abundant, rich,
Treasure-rich deposits,
Motherland - Guardians of the Motherland!
Leader 2: Hello, dear students! Brave and courageous sons of our homeland! Thank you guys!
Leader 1: - Assalamu alaykum, dear teachers and distinguished guests who are taking part in our event and adding interest to our circle!
Host 2: Welcome to our Defenders of the Fatherland Day celebrations.
Leader 1: - Every person will have a sacred land, where his umbilical cord blood was shed, his homeland, his motherland.
Leader 2: Yes, indeed, it is the honorable duty of every child to protect this sacred land like the apple of an eye, to protect its borders from evil forces.
Leader 1: - Everyone who has grown up in this country and tasted bread and salt should know that it is a high duty to love the Motherland and to be worthy of it.
Leader 2: - There is no doubt that every young man who considers himself the son of the Uzbek people will become a patriot of the Motherland tomorrow. As President Islam Karimov said: “There is no greater honor in the world than to be a defender of the Motherland, just as there is no word more precious and heartfelt than the word Homeland.”
Leader 1: - The Armed Forces of Uzbekistan, which protects our independent Uzbekistan, is 23 years old. He protects the peace and tranquility of our people like the apple of an eye. Protects and guarantees the healthy development of children, the right to live with their parents and family, education and other rights.
Leader 2: - Our National Army, compact, fast and agile, equipped with modern weapons and equipment, is able to prevent and respond to any evil actions and attacks aimed at violating the inviolability of our borders, peace and stability in our territory.
Leader 1: - Yes, indeed, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan is an important guarantee of our independence, a reliable shield capable of protecting our free and prosperous Motherland from any aggression. Today, our army is equipped with the most modern weapons and military equipment.
Leader 2: - Every soldier who is ready to perform his military duty takes an oath of allegiance to his motherland, his people and his President as a promise of sonhood.
These words emanate from the heart of a soldier, the sacred land where his umbilical cord blood was shed, the sacred land where his ancestors lay, the preservation of its independence and territorial integrity, the peace of its people, the immaculate moments of a happy boy. , not everyone is fortunate enough to take responsibility for a brighter future.
1st starter:
Sharp-eyed falcons,
Mysterious frontiers.
Barchinlari waiting at home,
Alpomishu Farhodlarin,
Guardians of the Motherland!
Beginner 2:
- The honor of my Uzbek,
Aryan soldiers.
The pride of my wives
Pure conscience, faith,
Motherland - Guardians of the Motherland!
Leader 1: - Attention, we invite future Homeland Guards to the stage.
On the right side of the stage, children are singing the warrior's song "Soldiers' Song" by the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Tora Suleiman.
Single vote One, two, three,
Everyone: -We spend a lot.
Single voice: Let your flight be loud,
All: Three in the skies.
Single voice: One, two, three,
Everyone: Always victory.
Alone voice: - In the presence of our power,
Everyone: The enemy's plot is futile.
Single voice: -One-two, three,
Everyone: - Power beyond the coin,
Alone voice: - Our chest for the homeland-
Everyone: - Shield and sword.
Single voice: -One-two, three,
Everyone: - Peace be upon you.
Single voice; - One two Three,
Everyone: - Protect the motherland.
Everyone: - The most sacred duty!
At the end of the song, "Stop!" a commanding voice is heard. They stumble three times where they stand and then stop. "Turn to the stage and turn right!" command is given. Then "Three steps back!" Everyone leans back and faces the stage.
There is a dance with the participation of girls. After the dance, the students leave the line and take turns reciting a poem by the poet Rauf Talib entitled “Uzbek soldier”.
Student 1:
I jump all the time.
Vigilance is a weapon to me.
I feel it right away, even
Whistle, snow wind.
Student 2:
Finally, Ona-Vatanim,
He stared at me.
Sacrifice is my soul,
I justify the salt of the earth.
Student 3:
I keep my hand calm,
The laughter of the mornings.
The elderly are happy, joyful,
Baby laughter.
Student 4:
Independent Motherland,
In my eyes.
After all, this country, this chaman,
Growing up in his arms.
Student 5:
This is my military life,
It is a test of youth.
Peace be upon you,
My country is a pledge to him.
Student 6:
- Day or night,
Is it hot or cold?
It doesn't matter to me.
I am always awake.
The guys will perform a belligerent dance. At the end of the dance, four students leave the line and read the poem of the poet Mirzo Golib "I serve my motherland," with enthusiasm.
Student 1:
I put my weapon on my chest with kindness,
I engraved the name of my homeland on my chest.
I love my people, my people,
I serve my Motherland.
Student 2:
I remember the advice of my ancestors,
The word of peace is always advocated,
Justifying my honorable childhood duty.
I serve my motherland.
Student 3:
Tears will not fall from the eyes of my people,
The endurance of the guys never bends.
My clear sky will not be broken,
I serve my motherland.
Student 4:
My lord, I am always faithful to my people,
May God himself support us.
I don't want my Uzbek to smoke,
I serve my motherland.
A small scene will be performed with the participation of high school students.
A teenage boy in a sports suit with a bag on his shoulder and a mother with a white scarf on her head lead the stage.
Mother: Growing up, I didn't realize that you were a good young man for the Motherland.
Son: My own, dear aunt. Luckily for you, Dad, be my brothers, that's enough for me. Don't worry about me at all.
Mother: My son, if you know, not everyone is fortunate enough to serve in the military. One of your commanders said that not all guys of call age could pass the test. One in ten is being sent to military service. I am proud of you.
Son: Mother, I will not turn your face to the ground. True to the name "Defense of the Fatherland", I sincerely serve my people and our country. After all, the Motherland is guarded by heroes.
Mother: Thank you, baby! Go to the moon and come back alive! Justify the system you have given by good service. We are waiting for you.
Son: Well, motherfucker! Of course, first of all, to my homeland, then I will be a worthy boy for you. (Then turns to the stage) - My dear brothers! Get a good education.
Exercise more and more! When you see your stature, you will grow up to be a healthy and strong man, a man of words, a man of courage, a man of courage. The homeland needs heroes, warriors, heroes!
At the end of the scene, students recite a poem by the poet Ravshan Isakov, entitled "Little Soldiers":
Student 1:
We are small soldiers,
Homeland Security Navkars.
We do not pity the wild,
Fearless, brave.
Student 2:
A gun on our shoulder,
Take turns.
We guard the border,
Like alpomish kelbat.
Student 3:
Our little soldier is still,
What you see is what you get.
Homeland believes, his,
We are lucky the next day.
Accompanied by boys, the poet Aziz Abdurazzaq's song "Askar-askar oynaymiz" will be performed.
Single voice: -Let's play soldiers,
The rest: - We are soldiers, we are soldiers.
Single voice: -Let's play soldiers,
The rest: - You are a soldier, you are a soldier.
Alone: ​​-Let's shoot,
The rest said, "We will not leave."
Alone voice: -We are also a small guard,
The rest: - Our soldiers, soldiers.
Alone voice: -Peace, peace,
The rest said: We will protect, we will protect.
When the song is over, another warlike command is sounded, and the young guards leave the stage with brisk steps.
Beginners come on stage.
Leader 1: - Today's peaceful and prosperous life on the land of Uzbekistan is one of the priceless blessings of independence for our people. Our National Army - the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan - is an important guarantee and a reliable shield of peace and prosperity.
Leader 2: In addition to acquiring military specialties in the army, our young men are becoming physically and mentally fit and strong-willed, and most importantly, they are developing into selfless people who are always ready to defend the Motherland.
The law of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 1, 2012 "About the general military duty and military service" regulated.
Chapter 2: - Article 3 of this Law provides for the adoption of a military oath of allegiance to the people and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, while Article 51 provides for the oath of allegiance to military service in accordance with applicable law. criminal prosecution will be considered.
Leader 1: "My country is peaceful - I am peaceful, the tragedy that befell my people is also my tragedy" has become a motto of every Uzbek boy. Indeed, today, in the name of defending the country, you feel that they are proud of their responsibility to protect the Motherland, the sacred land, to become a soldier of Uzbekistan.
Leader 2: - You see that the comprehensive social and moral protection of servicemen is growing day by day. you will be reassured once again that the chosen ones are always respected.
Beginner 1: -Fire flashes from the steps,
Temur's blood in his veins.
He is not afraid,
Moderate applause, honor.
Alpine wrestlers,
Guardians of the Motherland!
Leader 2: -Our homeland is Uzbekistan,
Dreams come true.
Epic in the language of the anthem,
Medications for pain.
Motherland - Guardians of the Motherland!
Leader 1: - Our holiday event is coming to an end. We sincerely congratulate all of you on the anniversary of the life of our country - the Defender of the Fatherland Day and the 23rd anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan!
Leader 2: -We wish you good health, happiness, good mood, success in your studies and work.
May blessings and blessings be upon your home! May our country be peaceful and our people be safe!

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