February 14 ZMBobur screenplay titled "The King and the Poet".


It is dedicated to the 1483th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur (1530-530).
Everyone strives to understand himself, to learn more about his ancestors, to learn about their lives. This
and historical works are of incomparable importance.
The stories and events that tell about our past in the works of Khusan and Zahriddin Muhammed Babur are always valuable for us.
Thanks to independence, we had the opportunity to study our history truthfully. Like many great works of our great sages, Babur's work has many important aspects for our youth. His thoughts on loving the Motherland, respecting parents, and showing loyalty to friends give a person a high spiritual lesson.
Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur, one of the greatest representatives of Uzbek classical literature, a talented scientist and highly intelligent person who made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Uzbek literary language and literature, a famous statesman, lived and created in a complex socio-historical period.
Baburids - a dynasty that ruled India in 1526-1858. It was founded by Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur from the Timurids. In foreign countries, it has been customary to call Babur and his descendants "Great Moguls".
The Baburis are actually the descendants of our countryman, Timurid Zahriddin Muhammed Babur. They referred to themselves as Babur Mirzas in historical documents.
With the honor of Uzbekistan's independence, among the great scholars of the Uzbek people, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's meritorious work and his effective work as a figure of the great Mongol Empire are remembered and studied by our people with great respect and reverence.
Life and work of Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur.
Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur was born on February 1483, 14 in the city of Andijan. His father Umar Sheikh Mirza-Amir Temur's great-grandson was governor of Fergana region. Babur's mother, Ms. Qutlugh Nigor, was the daughter of Tashkent governor Yunus Khan.
Babur's childhood was mostly spent in Andijan and its surroundings. Babur studied and was educated in the palace environment. From a young age, he became interested in science and poetry. Because of his courage and bravery, he received the nickname "Babur" (Lion) from his youth. After the death of his father, he ascended the throne in June 1494, at the age of twelve. Babur's initial goal in his political activity was to capture Samarkand, the capital of Amir Temur's state, which was strategically and geographically important, and to preserve and strengthen a strong state centered in Movarunnahr and restore the Timur empire. In 1495-1496, Babur made two unsuccessful campaigns to Samarkand. In 1497-1498, he occupied several places around Samarkand and Samarkand. The governor of Samarkand, Boysung'ur Mirza, fled to Kunduz.
Babur ruled Samarkand for one hundred days. He left Samarkand and returned to Andijan because of a rebellion against him in Andijan, but when he failed to capture it, he went to Khojand and then to the governor of Tashkent, Sultan Mahmud, and took Andijan with their help. In 1500, he occupied Samarkand for the second time. In the same year, Alisher started to correspond with Navoi. But before the second letter is answered, Samarkand falls into the hands of the Shaybanites. During this period, the country's political life was in chaos and mutual wars were increasing. On the one hand, under the pressure of Shaybani Khan's troops coming from the north, from Dashti Kipchak, and on the other hand, as a result of disagreements and disagreements between the Timurids, Babur was forced to leave Ferghana and head south.
The begs of Hisar, which were disintegrating, and the Afghan tribes living separately, one by one went to Babur's side. In 1504, the governor of Kabul region surrendered the city to Babur. But Babur did not completely lose hope in his homeland. In 1506, Khurasan king Husayn Baykara united the forces belonging to the Timurids and took the initiative to deliver a crushing blow to Shaibani Khan, but the death of Husayn Baikara (1506) and the conflict between the princes made this move ineffective. Babur, who hoped for an event, was forced to withdraw temporarily and return to Kabul after failure.
Shaibani Khan, who continued his attacks, died in the city of Marv in the battle against the forces of the Iranian king Ismail, who started a military campaign from the south to conquer Central Asia. Taking advantage of the favorable political and military situation, Babur occupied Samarkand for the third time in 1512. About six months later, Shaibani Khan's nephew Ubaidullah Khan gathered a large force and started marching towards Samarkand against Babur. will be forced to evacuate the city.
In 1525, Babur managed to take control of North India and from that moment India became his second homeland. There, Babur gathered around him the best poets and scientists of that time, carried out construction works, and engaged in literature, which was his favorite work.
Babur's enlightenment is also noteworthy. He always sought to be with scientists, virtuous people, artists, to consult with them, to constantly increase his knowledge. He had four sons (Humayun, Kamran, Askari, Hindol) and three daughters (Gulchehra, Gulrang, Gulbadan), and he tried to instill these qualities in them. Babur emphasized the need to consult and work with the council in the same way in managing the state. Among his children, Khumayun, Kamron and Gulbadanbegim became poets and writers. It was extremely difficult for Babur to live in a foreign country far from his homeland. On top of that, the long time of wandering and the continuous struggle against his enemies had affected his health. In "Boburnoma", he writes the following rubai about his serious condition and deteriorating health.
My body is full of fever.
If you close your eyes, sleep will be in the evening.
I don't know if I'm in love,
This is becoming more and more common.

After ruling India for five years, Babur died in 1530 in Agra in the "Zarafshan" estate he had built. Later, during the reign of Shahjahan (Babur's great-grandson) from the Baburites, his ashes were moved to a mausoleum built in Kabul.
Babur Mirza, being a king, was not subject to anyone, he felt completely independent in the creative process and used his pen freely. Babur Mirza had the freedom of creativity that many court poets of that time did not have.
Denison Rose, an English orientalist, found his poems written in Turkestan and Afghanistan in the National Library of Paris, and his poems written in India in the Rampur library, and published them in 1910 in print and photocopy form.
Babur's poems were written with tears flowing from the eyes of a heart burned by the pain of Hijran.
They express the sorrows of a child who misses his motherland, a lover who suffers in separation, a perfect person who realizes his mistakes, and a grandfather who could not save his grandfather's kingdom.

A bird of life rests in Hijran's cage,
Homelessness shortens this dear life.
Ne nav bitay firogu ghurbat comment,
Tears wet your face.
With his works, Babur made a significant contribution to the development, improvement, simplification and bringing the Uzbek language and language closer to the living language.
"Boburnoma" is an invaluable treasure in the study of the history of the Uzbek language. "Boburnoma" is a valuable example of prose that artistically reflects the important events of the 15th-16th centuries.
"Boburnoma" is one of the works of an encyclopedic character, in which science, tradition, socio-political, natural ethnographic knowledge are skillfully expressed.
"Boburnoma" is one of the rare masterpieces of world literature.
In honor of the 530th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, it is possible to organize an open lesson, a literary party, roundtable discussions, and a book exhibition in schools and educational institutions.
Tentative themes for the book exhibition dedicated to the 530th anniversary of the birth of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur.
1. Legacy of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur.
2. A great writer and scholar.
3. The great figure of the Renaissance.
In the book exhibition organized for the 530th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, works of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, literature written about Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, articles published in newspapers and magazines can be used.
We recommend using the words of our President dedicated to the restoration of spiritual and moral values ​​as a quote at the book exhibition.
"When we refer to history, we must consider that it is the memory of the people. Just as there is no perfect person without memory, there is no future for a nation that does not know its history.
IA Karimov.
"The memory of our people is full of wonderful names. The world-famous Beruni, Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Sina, Imam Bukhari, Al-Tirmizi, Ahmad Yassawi, Ulughbek, Nawai and many other scholars had a broad spirituality and at the same time had a difficult fate. are figures.”
IA Karimov.
"For many years, our people, who lived under the yoke of colonialism, were deprived of the opportunity to appreciate their countryman, to put his historical status in a worthy place."
IA Karimov.
"...Navoi, Ulug'bek, Babur, Mashrab, Furqat, Qadiri and other great children of our nation. Their legacy served the development and enrichment of the universal human values ​​of the people of Uzbekistan and will continue to serve. We will do everything to convey their priceless legacy to the people, and first of all to the youth."
IA Karimov.
Script of the literary evening on the theme "The King and the Poet".
The hall where the party will be held is decorated in a festive spirit. A portrait of Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur, as well as posters with excerpts from his poems and narrations are hung on the net.

Two presenters appear on the stage.
1- Beginner:
I haven't found anyone else loyal to me.
I haven't found a secret to another mahram.
I did not build another soul as my soul mate,
I didn't find it as heartbreaking.
2- Beginner:
A person who gets what he wants,
Or one who abandons all desires,
If these two things fail,
A person who takes his head and walks away.

1- Beginner:
Hello, dear guests, dear readers. Today, we have gathered for this holiday party, which is being held in connection with the 530th anniversary of the birth of the horn and poet, statesman and great general Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur.
2- Beginner
Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur was born on February 1483, 14 in Andijan in the family of Umarshaikh Mirza. After the death of his father, Babur, who received a proper education and upbringing in the palace, ascended the throne at the age of 12.
1- Beginner
Babur left Andijan due to the wars for the throne and founded the great Babur dynasty in India. Our beloved poet, who established a powerful kingdom in India and made a great contribution to the prosperity of the country, died in 1530 in the city of Agra.
2- Beginner
During his lifetime, he created many prose and poetic works such as "Baburnoma", "Mubayyin-al-zakot" (Zakat Bayani), "Hatti Baburi", "Harb Ishi".
1- Beginner
Now we will listen to Babur's Rubaiyat memorized by our students. (5 students appear on the stage in costumes and hats.)
1th student
The era passed me by
I was separated by a road khan.
A crown on my head, a curse on my head,
It didn't occur to me.
2th student
Don't rush anything,
This means that you will not reach your goal.
3th student
I miss someone,
One hundred words make a person happy.
4th student
A person who can't remember
man at work
The one who does not rejoice
a person abroad.
My heart is strangely happy
never passed
It's true that you can't be happy abroad
5th student
How subtle you are,
What a waste of your life.
Now we will give a word to our historian who visited our event.
Host: Thank you.
Now, special music named Uspensky, a song prepared by the students of the boarding school of the Academic Lyceum will be played.
1- Beginner:
Even though Babur was a branch of India, he missed my country and its people for a long time.
2- Beginner:
He thought that a piece of soil of the Motherland was better than the throne of a foreign country. We feel the longing for the Motherland, which became a dream in the poet's ghazals and rubai.
(A small scene will be performed by schoolchildren.)
Soft music plays.
Babur is sitting on the throne. They are talking about the political situation in the country and taxes with three or four officials around them. Then the guard came and said that a man was asking permission to enter Babur's presence.
Babur: - Please bring it to me. (A stranger enters with a melon in his hand and bows.)
Person: Hello, my lord. (Bows.) I am a merchant. The purpose of my coming to your presence is that I brought a melon brought from Andijan. Taste this blessing brought from our motherland, my lord. If Zora is a balm for your longing. (Babur slowly comes down from the throne and takes the melon with trembling hands. He sniffs it for a long time and rubs it on his face and speaks in a very sad tone.)
Babur: Thank you. In this melon, which brought the beauty of my country, I felt the wind of Andijan, the clean air, the warmth of the fertile soil, the beauty of the incomparable fields, the scenery of the beautiful valleys where I spent my childhood, the breath of my kind people, and the love of my parents. The Motherland, where my navel blood was spilled, is my cradle, longing and endless dreams.

There is no tole, my soul has become a child,
I tried everything, there was an error.
Leaving my land, I turned to the Indian Ocean,
Oh my God, what happened.
1- Speaker: The great poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's poetry has a great place in our literature due to its rare and artistic value.
2 – Leader: Yes, Babur's faith was a whole man, this faith, according to his own confession, always protected him from various calamities.

We are the fruit of the world's wish,
The mind is the eye, and so are we.
If we think of the round world as a ring
Undoubtedly, we are his eye and jewel.

1- Initiator: Our goal in reading our classical literature and historical works is to convey the small treasures contained in them to the minds of today's youth and help them enter the right path in life, beneficial for society.
Dear guests, dear readers, let's end our evening with the words of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.
There is a guarantee that a person will live his life meaningfully, blessedly, without leaving a stain and blame behind him, the purpose of living on this earth is to lead people to goodness. May we all follow it:

Nothing is free
hijrondin is bad in the world.
Everyone is worse than you.
this is the worst.

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