Interesting and instructive tales about NATURE


Interesting and instructive tales about NATURE

A tale about a drop
On the edge of the village, on a high hill, there is an apricot tree. Every year it gives people a lot of fruit. But it was very boring because there were no other trees around. One morning when the apricot tree woke up, something was crawling on its leaf.
"What kind of bird are you?" - said the apricot in surprise.
- I am not a bird. "I am Tomchi," said the glowing thing.
"Come, let's be friends," said the apricot.
- That's it.
"But you won't leave," said the apricot. - Otherwise, I have more friends than birds, and they all run away when autumn comes.
"Okay," said Tomchi. - I am always by your side in the most difficult time
i will be
Apricots are very watery. Two friends have been playing happily all day. But the joy of the apricot did not go far. When he wakes up the next morning, Tomchi is gone.
"Tomchi tricked me," thought the apricot in sadness. Now, as he was standing there, someone called him.
"Orikjon!" Hey, apricot! If Orik listens, the sound is coming from the sky. Looking at the sky, a white cloud is floating.
"Who is calling me?" - he said, shaking the apricot branches.
"I am your friend!" - said the cloud, getting lower and lower. - I am Tomchi.
Orik was surprised:
"How did you get out?"
- Grandfather Sun took me out into the clouds.
"I'm an object too," said the plum, with enthusiasm.
- No, you have to give fruit to people. Don't worry, I'll be back soon too.
Tomchi said this and rode on a cloud and flew away to the distant lands. Orik started to get bored again. "My friend won't come anymore," he thought sadly. "He went to heaven and forgot me."
As the days went by, it got warmer, and the apricots started drinking water. The leaves were falling due to thirst. If you want to drink water, there is not a single stream nearby. Finally, he was so thirsty that he fainted.
At one point it was as if someone stroked its leaves. When the apricot opened its eyes, it was Tomchi standing on the leaf.
"I came to help you," said Tomchi. As he brought so many friends with him, the thirst of the apricot was quenched and he flourished. Both friends played rosa.
Day after day, month after month, autumn came, the leaves of the apricot fell and became bare. As if this was not enough, suddenly a strong wind blew, and the body of the plum began to freeze.
"He would have helped if he had a drop," thought the apricot regretfully. As soon as he said that, clouds appeared in the sky, as long as he was carrying Tomchi. The clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and finally it's snowing. The snow covered its branches like a blanket.
"Hey, are you warm, plum?"
Orik instantly recognized Tomchi's voice. But he did not see himself.
- Where are you, Tomchi? - he said waving his horns.
"I'm in the snow," said Tomchi, laughing. - I see that you are cold, I came with the snow.
"You're not leaving now, are you?" - said the plum with a smile.
- No, I will stay with you until spring.
Since then, apricot has given many fruits to people. Tomchi traveled to many countries. But wherever he is, in difficult and necessary times, he comes to his friend - the apricot.
(- Otkir Hashimov)

A tree within a tree
Once there is, once there is no
Once there is no, once there is.
Smart, smart in our city
There is a girl named Rana.
The yard where he lived is like a garden,
As there are many trees,
It's blue when summer comes.
A bush of apricots in the yard
Sara is a breeder.
It is sweeter than honey.
When those apricots were ripe, Rana ate them and spread the excess in the sun to dry. When the apricots were dry and ripe, her mother put them in bags and sewed them. One day, when Rano and his bear were packing sacks, one grain fell to the ground between the sacks. Rana took it and started playing with it. He threw the grain in the sky and caught it with his palm as it came down. Every time the grain fell into Rana's palm, the sound of "singing-singing" was heard. "Yes, what is it?" Rana thought. Then someone inside the danak spoke in a low voice:
"I am a tree," said the still voice.
"Yes, will the tree be inside the tree?" Rano said in surprise. - If you are a tree, how did you get inside the tree?
Rano wanted to bite the bullet.
- Come on, what kind of tree are you? he said.
Saying this, he placed the grain on a large, smooth stone. Then, hitting it with a hammer, it slipped and flew away. Rana looked for him, but could not find him.
"Hey, dwarf tree, where did you run?" he called.
Danak did not answer.
So the grain is gone. Gradually, Rano drove him out of his mind. Because his work has increased. Every day, he walked next to his father, poured water on the flowers, swept the yard as his mother told him, and gave grain to his chickens. So, he was not free from work. So summer passed and autumn came, and autumn passed and winter came. One day, when the bear was opening one of the sacks and making compote from the sardines, Rano remembered that lost danak. Rana didn't forget that story until the turshak was over. When Turshak was over, winter was gone and spring came. Rana was playing in the yard again, sometimes looking at her father and bear. They planted flowers, cut down the trees, cleaned the old hazans. One such day, Rana was playing in the field when he saw a small sprout growing out of the ground. He went to the top and crouched down. "What is this?" he said to himself, in a small voice like a young child:
"I am a tree," he said.
Rana recognized him by his voice. He is a danak who escaped from that Rana's hammer.
"Are you the one I lost?" said Rano.
"I'm not a branch, I'm a tree," said the sprout. "Don't you see?"
"I see, you are a tree," said Rana. - How did you fit inside Danak?
"I was inside Danak," Nihal said. - I woke up sleeping on the ground, under the snow, and then grew into a tree. If you had bitten and eaten me, I would not have grown into such a beautiful tree. If you don't uproot me now, I will grow up and become a big apricot tree like my mother.
Since that day, Rana has been guarding the sapling. They are still taking care of him. Anyone who wants to see him should go to the Ranas in the spring after three years. At that time, the tiny apricots will be blooming.
(- Aziz Abdurazzak)

A talking tree
A passenger wanted to rest under a big tree. He was lying down and his eyes fell asleep. At one point, when he was about to leave, he noticed that his wallet was missing.
There is a village nearby. The passenger did not know what to do, he was very sad and started to cry on the ground. People gathered on hearing his cry and said:
- The theft happened on our land, it would be better if we were not all responsible, - said everyone.
In the meantime, someone went and brought this incident to the judge. The judge called the stranger who had lost his wallet to his presence and said:
- Why are you shouting and disturbing everyone's peace? - began to question.
- Oh, the verdict is fair, my wallet was stolen while I was sleeping under a tree. Where am I going to look for the thief now, so I had no choice but to scream loudly,' answered the stranger.
When the judge found out how the incident happened, he ordered to cut one branch of the tree and bring it for questioning. Before the people came to the branch, the judge dug a pit in the middle of the yard and let one of his guards into it.
- As soon as you hear my question, give the answer: "Oh, Mr. Qazi, I will examine people and identify the thief," he shouted.
The top of the bowl is well covered. When the people came to cut the branch, the judge put it there and started questioning the branch as if it didn't know anything.
As ordered, the guard responded in the same way. Immediately to the whole village:
"The tree knows how to speak, so it promised to find the thief," the voice spread.
The thief who stole the wallet was disturbed when he heard this. "It's a disgrace, it's better to confess myself," he decided.
After that, he took the money and went straight to his judge.

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