"Every nation is proud of its language"
(Mahmudhoja Behbudi)
Abstract: This article discusses the history of development, unity and purity of the Uzbek language, as well as some of the same problems in the way of the unity and development of our native language today, and the solutions to these problems.
Keywords: Purity, nation, civilization, Abu al-Andalusi, Kashghari, Navoi, Amonim, Paronym, Persian language, Zamakhshari, encyclopedia, mirror of the nation, future generation...
Language is the property of the nation, its life, past, future, soul. The value, spirituality, and identity of that nation are reflected in the language of each nation. Therefore, language is a priceless and rare treasure that unites a nation into a nation and a people into a nation. In this treasure, the spirituality belonging to that nation is polished and developed for thousands of years and centuries, and it is carefully preserved like the apple of an eye.
      My Uzbek language is one of the richest and most attractive languages, which has its place and position among languages. The Uzbek language ranks 41st among the languages ​​of the world. Scholars and thinkers who laid the foundation stone of the world civilization and made a significant contribution to human civilization wrote in this language. He not only created, but also polished and enriched it and passed it on to the generations. On this path, they fought if necessary, entered into a spiritual battle and sacrificed their lives to preserve the purity and integrity of their language. For example, people of enlightenment are aware of what Kashgari-u Nawai, Ibn Sina-u Zamakhshari, Awlani-u Qadiri, Fitrat-u Behbudi have done in this way.
      Kashgari is an expert and a skilled propagator of the Turkish language. will show. Can we take the work of Abu Hayyan al-Andalusi, who lived and created in the 13th and 14th centuries, on the comparison of the Turkish and Arabic languages? everything is the result of the dedication of the representatives of this language and nation as one child.
       Take the period during which Navoi lived, by which time the status of the Persian language had greatly increased. This language became the language of written and oral literature. Even the artists who write in Turkish have left their own language and switched to writing in Persian. It was very sad. The Uzbek language was on the brink of extinction. His Holiness Navoi was one of the first to "fight" for the protection of the mother tongue and its preservation. Spiritual struggle, creative struggle has begun.
   True, it must be admitted that the Persian language was one of the most beautiful, rich and charming languages. The person who created in this language" used to joke. If Navoi had created in this language like others, even the greatest Persian scholars and creators would not have been able to come before him. His Holiness Jami: "May blessings from heaven pour down on this pen!" Because the owner of this pen took pity on the people of Persian language, the collectors of Persian poems: when he wrote in this Persian language, he would not have time to speak to others." How right they were when they said. After all, Navoi also loved to write in Persian, he wanted to write in this language, but what about his mother tongue, which is on the verge of decline, who will protect it? That's why Navoi created for the protection of his mother tongue, to preserve it. They fulfilled this duty with honor through the priceless and immortal works he created in Uzbek.
 A lot of work and reforms were carried out by our linguists and literary scholars in the later periods. In particular, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Language", adopted on October 1989, 21, was the biggest and most joyful event achieved by our people. The status of the state language was legally strengthened in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this way, the Uzbek language became one of the sacred symbols of our independent state protected by law. In addition, during the years of independence, great work was done in the field of language, in particular, in strengthening the role and influence of the Uzbek language, and turning it into a national value in the literal sense.
    On the eve of the 17th anniversary of the independence of our country, a new 80-volume "Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language" containing more than 5 words and phrases, terms related to the fields of science, technology, art and culture, as well as historical and obsolete terms. was published. In addition, "Dictionary of homonymous words of the Uzbek language", "Dictionary of synonyms of the Uzbek language", "Dictionary of homonymous words of the Uzbek language", "O' The creation of such dictionaries as "phraseological dictionary of the Uzbek language" and the adoption of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 1995, 24 "On the approval of the basic spelling rules of the Uzbek language" came to the fore as a result of the work done in this regard.
    Why did I mention above the merits of His Holiness Navoi to the development of our language, even if you don't say it, the children of the nation, our people know it very well. The point is that preserving the national language, preserving its purity and unity, The question of passing it safely to the next generations does not lose its relevance in all eras. Today, there are many pressing problems that are waiting for their solution regarding the purity and integrity of our language. Solving these problems is not a task that can be solved only by linguists, literary experts and representatives of this field. For this, it is necessary to inculcate the spirit of infinite respect and love for the native language in every Uzbek family, household, in the upbringing of children, in the processes of daily dealings, and to change the attitudes towards our national language in enterprises and organizations, and in the mass media.
  First of all, we need to start talking in our native language in families. Let our children learn foreign languages, learn the language, but first of all, let them know their mother tongue perfectly and be able to speak fluently in their own language without difficulty.
   Secondly, it is necessary to strictly control speaking in the literary language, especially in the mass media of enterprises and organizations. Sometimes we witness that some mass media broadcasts in dialects. Even the naming of shows and broadcasts should be paid attention to. Let's take, for example, "Skeid show", "Mtv-kids", etc. shows with English-Uzbek titles, words and phrases used in advertising processes, mistakes and disrespect for our language are reflected in all of them. For example, there is a phrase "Olivia - lakshrei" in the advertisement of perfume soap. There is an Uzbek translation of the word lakshrei, why don't we use the translation, we don't use the alternative, after all, our language is a very rich language, there are no words. if there is no translation.
  Thirdly, it is necessary to get rid of the vices of being ashamed of speaking one's mother tongue, which is common among our youth. We should not allow this evil to spread, we should prevent it as a whole nation. This process should start from the parents, from the first upbringing given to the child. After all, think for yourself, is a person without a nationality or language a human being? The greatest symbol of the nation's identity is the fox!
  Fourthly, it is necessary to further strengthen the status of our language as "State language". I think that any economic and social events in the country should not affect the status of the "State language" and should not lead to factors that weaken its status.
    Today, our compatriots, as before, are required to preserve, preserve and develop our national language, as well as to pass it on to generations in its entirety. It is both a duty and a duty that every child of the nation feels and fulfills this honorable responsibility. Because as our Honorable President Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated: "The Uzbek language is a symbol of our national identity and independent statehood, our priceless spiritual wealth and great value for our people."


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