Collecting points to enter high school now starts at school.



🟢 Collecting points to enter higher education now starts at school.

⚡️Student grades in school are taken into account when entering the university.

📃 According to the charter approved by the Government on 19.11.2021,
Starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, the last 11 years of 6-year education in the school graduates ’certificate will be added to the entrance score to the university. Grades are calculated through electronic platforms and sent to the program DTM "ABITUR".

✅ The maximum score is taken as 100% and the points are transferred to the rating system as follows:

🟢 For 86-100% - 5 ratings;

🟢 71-85% - 4 ratings;

🟢 56-70% - 3 ratings;

🟢 56% each - 2 ratings.

✏️ True, this work is done to achieve a positive result, but in practice, getting high marks from schools should not be falsified by parental intervention. It is necessary to strengthen control over this aspect.

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